Thursday, June 4, 2009

R.I.P. Old, Wonderful, Stinky Carpet

Well, we survived the all-day trip to the groomer's this Monday and let me tell you it was no day in the doggy park!

And when Dad finally came and got us and we walked in the front door, our wonderfully smelly carpet was gone!!

In it's place was this floor:

I'm gonna miss you my Paris-pee stained carpet!

Daddy decided to to the new moulding himself, and I jumped right in and helped:

And Paris sat on her bootay and watched Oprah while we worked!

Mom said we had to get tile flooring or she was gonna go crazy. I wonder why?

We'll leave you with this cutie. You can tell she is not a full blooded BT because there are no bubbles on the top of the water!


Zeus said...

My human pet has been thinking of tile flooring also. She can't stand bending over all the time to clean Ares' messes. Your new floor looks absolutely beautiful!

Stanislaw said...

That floor matches your furs, Paris! I bet that happened just by chance. I'm sure your folks had your beauty on the brain and accidentally picked out a blond stone. How fabulous!

Are you gonna practice your camouflaging?

Ruby Bleu said...

ooooohhhhh...that looks nice my Mack. My Mom has been thinking the same thing in our living room too.

I woof you my Macky!

Lots of Licks, your Ruby

Andromacke said...

Hey Macky-poo!

Tell your momma I said that the tile looks neat. I'll have to go check it out sometime soon. =3

~Cousin Katie

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Furry khool!

I see some slippieslidiezoomies!

Khute tub Makhkie Poo!


Beckett said...

My house has tile floors everywhere except the bedrooms. I like it because it's a nice cool place to lie down in the summer, especially if you get your belly flat against it. My mom likes it because it's pretty easy to clean - but she does notice the dog fur on it more than she does in the bedrooms.


Anonymous said...

Oh love your floor, very pretty.

Just word of advice, drool on tile floor = very very slippery. I'm not saying y'all drool like my rottie and basset did but still! lol

Hope you have a wonderful weekend!

Lorenza said...

Hi, Mack!
Tile is better than carpet! Slippery but fresh!
Kisses and hugs

Duke said...

Your new tile floor is beautiful! We love it!
Mom wanted to put tile in the kitchen but evil dad said NO!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Asta said...

Hoomans just don't seem to appweciate the wondewful smells we pwocooce. All they think of is how to make less wowk fow themselves...shefish!
That cutie is pwetty cool. I hope you'we staying col too
smoochie kisses

Beanz said...

Lovely floor Mack. We have tiles and lino too. No carpet around here. Neither of use were housetrained when we arrived, so no chance of carpet and now we like the easy to clean version of floor covering. Well done for surviving Monday.

Petra said...

What? New carpet for Paris? That is PAWSOME! ! !

Petra said...

Whoops -- I meant no NEW carpet for Paris...

Gus, Louie and Callie said...

Ya new carpet.. We have no carpet in the house. Good thing that little girl still has accidents on the floor. When will she ever learn?

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

You are all looking quite lovely after your day at the spa. The floor will be nice and cool on the hot days. And much easier to keep clean.

Tail wags, the OP Pack

Noah the Airedale said...

We dont have carpet in our area either Mack. We have a cork floor and the pinkies can always see the little tumbleweeds of fur.


Peanut said...

Mom says nice floor. I say sorry your carpet is missing

Joe Stains said...

Mom is beginning to hate carpet too! Glad you are free of it. We saw that Boston in the hot tub earlier this week and died laughing!

i said...

We love your new flooring. We have tiles flooring too. LS said it is more practical with 4-legged around. Wonder who is she referring to.

Tee said...

Tiles may be colder but it's alot easier to clean! Your flooring looks great!

Licks and Wags

Tuffy and the Dog WOods Pack

Moco said...

We have pergo. The crazy old bat says that it wears like iron.