Wednesday, June 24, 2009


Paris Rain here!
Can you believe our dad calls us "lazy"? What we are actually doing is conserving energy. I mean he grew up in the 70's so he should know all about that, am I right?

And what's up with this? Is it a crime to be beautiful now?

see ya!


Sprite, the odd dog. said...

How come one of you is on the fluffy couch and one of you is in jail? LOL

Lorenza said...

Now I know what to tell my grandma when she calls me lazy!
Take care
Kisses and hugs

Lacy said...

w00fs, how comes u iz in jail?? and doggies iz not lazy..

b safe,

Dexter said...

My observation is that people give a whole new meaning to lazy. I mean look at how bad they can be about helping us with our bloggies.


Stanley said...

Paris, Lily & MackMan!

Hey, buds. I have a LOT of catching up to do on your blog, but I'm enjoying it so far. I think Paris tends toward the dramatic, like another pesky little sissy I know (named Stella), but Paris really IS bootiful. Not a crime, though, babe.

LOVED the vid of the little Boston bobbin' her head to Gwen Stefani and then letting fly with the howling harmony. She was KILLIN' me.

Glad to see you are all trying to keep cool (except for wacko Lily). Please, if you find any more photos of puppy Mack, post them PRONTO!

Goober love & smooches,

Ruby Bleu said...

It's not a crime Paris...oh and is my Mack conserving his handsomeness for me??? I hope so...

Lots of Licks, Ruby

Anonymous said...

Hey conserving energy is very important. And it is freaking hot out there!!!! Mack you are as handsome as ever. Why is Paris in doggie jail???

Nibbles Treats said...

No crime has been committed. You're just being eco-friendly.

Lots of treats -
Tinkerbell, Oscar and Tucker

Petra said...

Yeah, Paris, what's going on at your house? Is Lilly up to something again?

And Mack, when it's 90 degrees, you MUST conserve energy. You're not lazy, you are smart.

Kelli said...

Hi Paris,
Human peoples just don't understand. I love to conserve my energy too. Being beautiful most not be a crime in my house cuz I haven't been locked up yet! I do hope you get out soon!
:) Tibby

Duke said...

You guys don't look lazy to us but you do look sad! How come?

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Zeus said...

Not sure why one of you is out and one of you is on the couch, but honestly, Mack, just between you and me, I'm glad you're free. Shh, don't let Paris here me. I don't want her mad at me!


It has been so hot and humid here, that we have been conserving energy too.

Essex & Deacon

♥Mona + Prissy + Angel Weenie♥ said...

Hiya Mackie,

It is toooo hot. It has been over 100 for days. Mommy is starting to welt like her hibiscus. I don't even go outside until after it's dark and then it's still in th 80s'. I hate it but I still gotta get a good roach in outside everyday.

I can't wait for summer to be over and we can all meet up.

Mommy loves the video of you the head action.


NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Hoomans just don't get it, do they?!?
