Monday, May 18, 2009

Wiggle it....

Well I may be a little late with entering my wiggle walk into Mason Dixon's contest (Dang It - mom's laziness again) But I thought I should at least share the video with you:

Did you see Lilly give me that evil look?? I think she is jealous of my bow legs!

We got this super cool award from our great new friends over at Nibbles Treats:

Thanks Oscar, Tinkerbell & Tucker!

I want to pass it on to my international buddies:



Charlie & Molly

Beanz, Chips and Carlsberg

Amber, Chloe & Faith


Noah, Willow & the gang

Scooby Doo

and also Ben, the Rotti,

who I hope starts blogging again, 'cause if my mom doesn't get her daily Rottie fix, oh my gosh who knows what could happen!

Anyhoo, mom is off from work today - she had her conlonpawscopy this morning. I'm not really sure exactly what that is; she doesn't have paws so I haven't a clue.

We are planning on working for the snuggle puggle this week, so hurry up mom and wake up so you can help me put my suit on!

See Ya!


Ruby Bleu said...

Oh wiggle makes my little heart flutter!!!! please give your Momma some extra lovin' today and a big giant lick from me. I'm sure that colon-thingy was no fun!!!

Lots of Loving Licks, your Ruby

Gus, Louie and Callie said...

Great Wiggle walk..
Take good care of mom when she gets home..

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie

Lacy said...

w00fs Mack, heehee me new dat Ruby wood love ur butt sure hope ur mama iz ok...

b safe,

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Grrrreat wiggle!

I wonder if your mom will be walking difFURently too?

Khongrats on your award!


Mango the Maltese kiddo said...

Your mom had colonpawscopy today?
My mom had mangogram last month, hoomans always have furry funny poked and pressed stuff done to them! Hahaha!

Peanut said...

Mom loved your wiggle butt. Hope your mom's thing went okay.

Lorenza said...

Hi, Mack!
I like your wiggle video!
Yes, I think Lily is jealous!
I hope your mom is doing ok!
Give her kisses and hugs from us!
Take care

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Great wiggling there, Mack. Just stick your tongue out at Lilly. You so need to enter the next contest if there is one. Hope the Mom's test has good results.

Woos, the OP Pack

Dexter said...

I think your mom had an alien anal probe. Watch out. She might get beamed back up to the mother ship at any moment.

Nice butt action. Clearly Lilly is jealous since she no longer has such a smooth and alluring wiggle.


Joe Stains said...

you got some serious muscle butt dude!

Duke said...

What a cute wiggle you've got to your walk, Mack!
Congratulations on your award!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Anonymous said...

Great wiggle walk. Good luck to your mama on her exam, not going to be fun at all!

Petra said...

That was a cute marshwiggle walk, Mack! I hope your mom wakes up soon. I'm worried that she might forget to feed you.

Asta said...

Youw walk is wowf waiting fow. Mommi totally dwopped the ball and I nevew got to post mine.
congwatulations on youw awawd! and Kiss youw Mom's paws, just in case when she gets home
smoochie kisses

Mason Dixie said...

Your wiggle walk was wonderful!! sorry you missed the contest. maybe next time. =)

Nibbles Treats said...

Love the wiggle!

Tinkerbell, Oscar and Tucker

Moco said...

Great wiggle!