We've been very bored all week. Especially since our mom has gone gaga over this:

All she's been talking about is dwarf african frog this and dwarf african frog that.
Now I ask you: Which is the more handsome - A stupid old water frog or MACK THUNDER BEANS?? (Careful- I am a very sensitive fellow)
of khourse!
Hey Mack,
That goofy little frog's got nothing on you! He probably can't even fart...
Murphy Dogg
Hi Mack!
You are WAY more handsome than that silly frog! Is that frog in your house? If so you should eat him. Unless he is poisonous, then you should definitely NOT eat him!
:) Tibby
Respect your sensitivity, I won't tell you my answer, Mack Thunder Beans fellow, haha!
You of course.
w00f's pups, heehee macky thunder beans iz pawsome...whooo wants a little froggy anyway, ya cant chase it, or play bitey face...
b safe,
If you mum was going to go goofball over a frog at least it could have been Kermit. At least he talks.
You look way better than that dwarf from. Besides have you ever heard of dwarf frog bloggs.
Essex & Deacon
You of course!!! what a silly question. =)
C'mon Mack! You know the answer!
Kisses and hugs
Maybe the frog doesn't fart? Other than that, I can't see what he has over you.
You. You're more handsome Mack. ;)
~ Bae
Mack! No contest!
That's a no-brainer, Mac-o!! You are by far much handsomer and far more interesting. What is wrong with her???
<3 Apple
G'day Mack
What's with the frog matie? Where did it come from? Of course it doesn't compare with you my friend.
Noah x
Even if you hadn't told me about your sensitivity issue, I still would have told you that you have nothing to worry about from that frog. You're a Boston Terrier. Of COURSE you're more handsome. (What are you thinkin', man?!)
Goober love,
Our mom says she'd rather hug and kiss you any day of the week than some old slimy froggie, Mack!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Why don't you have frog legs and have the whole decision ended.
So I'm not going to even answer that...you KNOW how I feel. But what's the deal with Kermit there? Is he a new resident?
Lots of Licks, Ruby
OH def you Mack are the hamdsomest but the frog is pretty cool lol
Mack, all I know is that frogs are DELICIOUS. I used to feast on them in Texas and they'd make my mouth all foamy.
Tastes like chicken.
You, no doubt about it.
Simba x
Oh MackyBeans! say it isn't so!! you've been usurped by an amphibian??? how can this beeee!!!
Howie said to package up that little froggy and mail him to Texas cuz he looks like a puggy appetizer...
PS - from the mom - is that one of the singing waterfrogs! so cute, my friend has one!!
Our mom has some goofy little albino frog in our aquarium. It got out one time and when she found it hopping around in the bathroom it wasn't white anymore, lol!
Ozzie & Rocky
Oh you You YOU!!!!
it's a no brainer :)
BOL... Oh you are definately better to look at Mack and much more handsome than the frog. It is cute though.
Holly & Zac...XX
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