Friday, September 19, 2008

Macky's Big Adventure

Well I'm sort of confused because I always thought Ike was this super awesome brown BT with a killer Gene Simmons tongue who was married to Martha. Well, mom says we had to leave our house for over a week because of Ike, so no one gets hurt. It doesn't make sense to me. All I know is .....


I got to sleep with my mom and dad every night and go up and down on the elevator and have like a jillion walkies a day!!

Mom and Dad were really stressed; I can't figure it out.
My "hurrication" is over now; I'm back home and we didn't have any damage to our house.
Even though I had a super fun time - I really missed you guys!!

Part II tomorrow: What Ike blew in!!!


NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...


We were worrying about WOO!!

Thank dog and praise cheeses!

Next time woo have to do THIS, woo have to have a BlogBuddy to pupdate -


Peanut said...

OMdogness we are so happy to hear you all okay and had a good hurrication.

Rudy said...

I never had a hurrication, sounds like it was fun for you! Glad everything at home is OK.


Lorenza said...

Hi, Mack!
Glad you are back! I missed you too! I hope everything is back to normal now!
Kisses and hugs

Ruby Bleu said...

oh my Mack...I'm so happy you are all OK. Hurrication...hee hee hee. I'm sure your pawrents were stressed! I know my Mom was stressed for you guys and would check her emails all the time to see if there was any word from you or your Mom. I knew you'd be ok...because you are my Mack!!!

Rest up my love! Lots of Licks, Ruby

Amber-Mae said...

It's great to know that no one got hurt. Not even the house! Oooh, I love going in elevators too so going in & out of it everyday, is soooper kool!

Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer

Charlie Daniels said...

Welcome home:-)

Missed you guys!

Happy to hear all is good.



Duke said...

We missed you, Mack! We're so glad you're okay!
What did Ike blow in? We can't wait to find out!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Gucci said...

I'm glad that you and your family are a-okay Mr. Macky.

I hope that you will post some pictures of you staring intensely at something out of frame soon...those pictures make me giggle.


Anonymous said...

Mack & Amy
Thank goodness you are alright and safe, we all were worried for your safety. Glad your home is okay and that you are back. That Ike was really mean.
Love, hugs, bellyrubs, smoochies
Pearl, Opal, Harley & Nannie

BenTheRotti said...

Mack!! Thank dogness you are back, Mum was checking your blog obsessively and starting to panic a little.. you know how Mums are!

We missed you buddy!

Glad to hear you have been having a great time, look forward to hearing more soon!


Ben xxxxxxx

Beanz said...

Oh my goodness Mack! WE were checking and wondering where you were. I left you a message in your green box. I didn't know Ike was coming your way. I hope he blew in loads of toys

love Beanz

The Musketeers said...

Glad to hear that you are alright (:

Anonymous said...

It's good to hear from you Mr. Macky-poo! It sounds like you had a good time. Tell Aunty Amy I'm sorry she didn't.

~Cousin Katie

Sunny,Scooter, (sometimes Jamie) said...

WHEW! We are releived. We (and everydoggy else) were worried. Welcome home and tell Lilly to give your mom and dad some of her tequila tonight so they can relax.
We can wait to hear of your huurication. We know you have alot to do, we're just glad you are safe!!
Sunny,Scooter& Jamie

Anonymous said...

Oh my dear friend Mack.

Thank his Dogness you are OK. I was scared for you guys. Me and the Mommy are over at my cousin Tippy's house. We spent the night here last night so the Mommy could wash clothes. We stayed home but still don't have any power. I don't want to leave the Mommy but she is gonna take me to stay at Jody's until we get our power back. They say we should get it back Monday. I will be doing a quick post later today on somebody's computer. Did ya have much damage? Is everybody OK.

I love you guys so much.

Mona & the Mommy too!!!

Joe Stains said...

we are so glad that you guys are safe and we are glad you had a wonderful time!! I do think there are two Ikes out there tho...

Ferndoggle said...

Oh Macky Mack! I'm so glad you and your family is safe. That Ike is one yucky dude!


Beckett said...

I'm glad your house is okay and that your hurrication was fun. A hurrication sounds like more fun than a staycation but less fun than a Bahamavention...


Mango the Maltese kiddo said...

Hi Mack,
My name is Mango, a Texan Maltese.
My human sister's son is Jack, a Texan Boston Terrier.
I'm glad I found your blog. I like your request above: Leave me a MESSage. Well, consider my size, I don't think I could leave a big mess. I didn't know you had to dodge Ike, it must be hard on you and your family. Home sweet home now, no place like home, Mack.

Roxie, Sammy, Andy and Shermie said...

Hey Mack, glad your are okay. Mona and the Mommy were very worried about you and had us check your blog every day. We can see that Mona and the Mommy were here to leave you a message so they know you are alright. We are glad everything came out okay. Can't wait to hear what Ike blew in!

Roxie, Sammy & Andy


Mack, Paris and family; by the Great Dane we are happy you are back. We would have breathed easier if we knew you evacuated for the herricane like us. Then after we saw the pictures of Gilcrest our minds raced.

We are happy YOU and your home are okay. We are sure you have plenty to do.

You have been nominated for a Gold Paw Award! for blogging excellence and surviving Herricane Ike. And don't have to send it to anyone else!!!!! How cool is that.

To add the award to Macks Mess, simply go to 'customise' the 'add a gadget' and then choose picture. Then where you see 'image' click on 'from the web' and add this code in

Make sure you "untick" the 'shrink to fit' otherwise your paw won't sparkle!!!

Dog Speed,

Essex & Deacon

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Oh my...a hurrication...that's a new one...thank heavens you are all ok...and ya even seemed to enjoy it all...(bet ur peeps have some new gray hairs, however!!!)

Those hurricaines are nasty things...Ike even hit way up in Pittsburgh...with winds in the 80's...that was last Sunday night and even now not everyone has their power back...but it's NUTHIN like what you have down there!

So glad you and Mona and everybody down South is ok...

Love you Mack...


Murphy Dogg said...

Holy crap, Mack! I'm so glad you're all okay, we were getting worried over here.
Murphy Dogg

Moco said...

Glad that you are home safe. You went on a vacation, how cool! Did Lily behave?

Patience-please said...

wooo-HOooooooooo! So glad you are ok and back home and had a fun hurrication!

wags from the whippets

Chef said...

It's a relief to know you and Lily are ok, Mac. I had no idea you were in Ike's path. A hurrication sounds like a real adventure. But I bet it's good to be home. Welcome back.


Islay said...

Howdy Mack - just checking in and glad to see you're okay. Hope there's not too big a mess around your place now - ha! (you could be outdone!) Our human gran lives in Brownsville and had to clean up too, but I was no where near it - really!

licks & slobbers

Gus, Louie and Callie said...

You should have come over. We would of had a great time...

Big sloppy kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie

The Puppies said...

We are SO GLAD to hear you guys are okay!!!! thank goodness ike didn't do any damage!!! although we look forward to your pics we are really glad nothing happened to you!!!
(and of course to paris and lilly)
we look forward to the next post!!
the Puppies

Southbaygirl said...

Mack... mom and I are so happy you and your family made it safely thru IKE! We were very concerned about our Texas doggie friends! We're glad you are home!

Velcro and mom

Urban Smoothie Read said...

i would say leaving house was FUN too

Girl Girl Hamster said...

Oh I'm glad the hurricane is over... We miss you doggies

~ Girl girl

Anonymous said...

Welcome back from your hurrication, Stella and I are so glad that you came back to a dameage-free home!

Eduardo said...

I missed you!
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle

Noah the Airedale said...

Oh no we only just read this cause D's been away. Are you guys ok. How scary. We're going to read your next post right now.

Noah Willow Tess Lucy