Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Merry Christmas!

Yep - you read it right - yesterday was Christmas at our house!!

Thanks to my puggy friend Clover .

She and I participated in a Christmas in July celebration hosted by Purrs n Snorts. We both got each other's names. Clover - your present is on its way!
Here we are investimigating this wonderful, Clover smelling package from Canada:

I got a little alien-eyed googlified with all the excitement:

For me!Just look at all this fun!

Mom & dad let us have just ONE toy today. I chose the blue snowcone:

Of course Paris wanted it too!Dang it - she got it and took it to her "Wolf den" (under our coffee table).I'll have to be real sneaky as I try to get it back - if you get too close to her whiles she's in her wolf den she snarls & growls like a cocker possessed!

Lilly was staying away from the growly action and close to her daddy

Hahaaaa I got it back! I aint scared a no evil cocker mess!

Even the cat got something from sweet Clover:




Gucci said...


Christmas hasn't gotten to my house yet but I think it's in the mail! CAN'T WAIT!! :]


Ruby Bleu said...

Clover is the most pawtastic shopper. And those PB cookies...yummO! Speaking of Christmas in August...I found a very great smelling package on my doorstep and it is from a VERY handsome BT boy in Texas! W00t! I can't wait to open it tonight!!!

Lots of Licks, your Ruby

Asta said...

Clovew is a wondwful fwiend..those giftses awe faboolous! I especially love the snow cone too and am so happy you got it back fwom Pawis
smoochie kisses

Amber-Mae said...

Hey that snow cone is nice! I bet it squeaks! Nice goodies Clover girl!

Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer

Petra said...

Christmas in July, what fun!

Boy, Mack, you do have your hands full with Miss Paris on the loose. If you didn't look so sad while she was hiding in her den, I would have laughed at that picture.

Did the snow cones cool you off?

Peanut said...

What a great bunch of stuff. Shelby says Ming is look beautiful as ever

Eduardo said...

You got snausages? I Love Those!!!!
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle

Bobo the Boston Terrier said...

Your alien eyes are coooool!

Lacy said...

w00f's mack, lilly and paris...heehee mack u gotta watch those girlie doggies...how cool is gittin pressies fur July..

b safe,

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Khool sakhk of stuff 'santa paws' brought woo!


Charlie Daniels said...

Yep, that looks like Christmas alright! ;-)



Clover said...

YAAAY!! I am so glad the package arrived and that you guys like the things I picked out.
Love Clover xo

Duke said...

What nice gifts! Clover really know how to shop!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Gus, Louie and Callie said...

It is so nice to have Christmas in August. You can dream of cooler weather...
Awesome hall you got there..

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie

♥Mona + Prissy + Angel Weenie♥ said...

Hi Mack,

Sorry I haven't stopped by much the last few weeks but me and the Mommy has been reay busy running around. We are gonna try to catchup on ev everbody's blogs this weeken...we gonna stay home all weekend exceot for church.

Love ya...Mona

Lorenza said...

Hi, Mack!
You all got pawesome presents from Clover!
That cone sure is nice! Glad you got it back!
Kisses and hugs

The Zoo Crew said...

Wow! You all scored!!!


i said...

Now I wish it's Christmas in my house too! Great pressies you've got there!

Girl Girl Hamster said...

Christmas in July sounds PAWSOME!

~ Girl girl

Chef said...

What did you learn from this, Mack?? Next time you get a present, take it and HIDE!


Gus, Louie and Callie said...

Yes she is a health girl now. Dad thinks that perhaps she didn't get good food before we got her and now that she is eating good stuff she is stronger and her coat is soft and shiny..

The Devil Dog said...

That looks like you had a lot of fun, Mack. We are glad. Fun is good.


Bella the Boxer said...

Good choice on the blue snowcone, Mack...I would've picked that one first, too.

xoxo - Bella


Way to go Mack. Know you are enjoying yourself.

Essex & Deacon

Joe Stains said...

Clover is way cooler than Santa Claus!! those presents are pawesome!

FleasGang said...

We love how Paris is trying the "sneak in from the back" approach. That's a classic cocker spaniel move. You guys are great.

The Fleas