Friday, May 16, 2008

Boring, Part 3 Zillion

Well it's been super boring here. We're just glad it's Friday.
The only interesting thing going on is Lilly's Aunt Josephine came to visit.
She's a great old gal. She's charmed us all with stories of life in the old country and her folk songs on the ukulele.

Here's pics of us captivated by her stories:

Here I am playing ball with Josie. That lady was more fun than Ming's poo box!

Now that she's gone it's back to boring again.
Hope everyone has a great weekend!!

Thanks to Mona & her mommy for locating Auntie J!


Anonymous said...

Hey guy's glad you heard some interest stuff but i have never heard nor seen Aye Aye...... please don't be angry but i only live in a wee town in Northern Ireland so take pity on me... I always thought aye aye was a Scottish slang word for yes, i have heard ails using aye many a time.

lots of licks


Peanut said...

Uh that thing scares me.

Duke said...

Aunt Josephine is kinda scary looking! I bet she tells the best stories!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Dexter said...

I don't think you should listen to what that Aye Aye says to you. Looks way too scary.

Ruby Bleu said...

oh Mack...I'm not so sure about Auntie Josie...she looks kinda scawie....r u going to be my co-pilot again...we made a great team last weekend!!!

Lots of Licks, Ruby

Stanislaw said...

I'm a little bit frightened by your Auntie.

Okay, very frightened.

BenTheRotti said...


I'm sure Lilly will get you back for that one!!
I'm quite freaked out by Aunt Josephine, she looks kind of small but I still think I would run and hide if she came to tell me stories!!

Ben xxxxx

Petra said...

I...I...I...I'm speechless!

Asta said...

Who is that scawy that youw auntie J????
You suwe look captivated..I would have been scawed.

You make a vewy dashing and handsome co-pilot..just don't smooch so much that we nevew get thewe, hehehe
smoochie kisses

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

I think that's one of those faces you just have to love!

You asked about the PF's they are on an office building in Harrisburg - they have a kham

PLUS, there are two khameras that alternate shots - I just use my paws and save them to share!

If woo do watch the kham, please keep in mind we are in the east - and when it is dark, woo won't see anything!

Before long, they will bekhome soooo much fun to watch the humans khan hardly take their eyes off 'em!

Happy Weekend!


Moco said...

Nothing like sitting at the feet of the old timers and hearing the stories of a bye gone era. I am surprised that Paris could sit still that long. Dawson acts like he has one of those jumping beans in his butt.

Willie and Waylon said...

That thing reminds of a gremiln... but scarier

Maya and Kena said...

Hi Aunt Josephine!
Well, let us say this: Lilly- you don't look nothing like your aunt... and that's a compliment!
Wags and licks,
Maya and Kena

Lorenza said...

I am sure she told you great stories!
Have a great weekend
Kisses and hugs

Chef said...

Yikes! Scary old Aunt Josephine was probably a real looker back in the day... or not.

Hey Mack, the Mamas are working real hard on the Goody Exchange. Could you post a little something to help spread the news? Thanks a heap of cookies!!

Love ya!

xox Chef

Simba and Jazzi said...

That is a weird looking creature.

Simba x

♥Mona + Prissy + Angel Weenie♥ said...

Hey Mack, O'm so glad Auntie Josie came for a visit but I was so sure your Auntie was your Uncle Clyde but if you've seen one Aye Aye, you've seen them all. The Mommy said there was nothing she liked better than listing to all the stories of the old country her grandma & grandpa used to tell.

Hope your weekend gets a little more exciting for you. I wish you guys could come to my house & go visit Judy's pack with me tomorrow. I bet we would have get fun.

Later Mona

The Zoo Crew said...

How could anything be boring when you have an auntie like that? ;)

Lucy Lu

Emily and Ike said...

I think Aunt Josephine needs a surgical consult.

Joe Stains said...

omdog I might have nightmares now!

Anonymous said...

Holy crap - she scarier looking than Tadpole!!!

Rudy said...

Oh man, Mom nearly fell over laughing! Geez you have some weird characters hanging around your house!! Now how am I going to get rid of this picture in my head?


Charlie Daniels said...

Holy Dogbones! What were you doing to make Aunt Josephine looks so scared ?!!

My hair stands on end when I get excited .. but that just looks smell producing !


Noah the Airedale said...

Crikey Willow, Tess and Lucy just bolted from the room. Aunt Josephine scared the crap out of them.....She doesn't do it for me either come to think of it....Poor Josephine....

Noah xx

Crikit, Sparky, Ginger! said...

OMDoggie wish we coulda been there fur the stories. You can see Aunt Josephine was a beauty in her time. Ya'll be extra nice to the old wise one K?

Love Licks

Myeo said...

She does look scary. Mama has no idea what it was until she click on the link.

Boy n Baby