Hey Everyone!
For my birthday, my mom set up my blog! Actually my birthday was yesterday, but my typist was busy (or so she says). Allow me to introduce myself. I am Mack and I am a big boy Boston Terrier. I weigh a whopping 30 pounds. I have two spoiled sissies, Paris and Lilli and a catsister named M'ing and a large parrot sister named Juana. I live in Texas and my interests include chasing the RLB (red light bug) which is actually a laser pen toy, chasing balls and going for walks. I am really excited for Santa Paws to come this year. Even though I chewed up my mom's sofa in one afternoon I am crossing my paws that Santa wasn't looking that day. I hope everyone has a great Christmas season and gets a present or two. Anyhoo, I hope you like my little page; it isn't too fancy cause my mom(aka the typist) is a little computer illiterate. Bye for now!
hi mack,
i have added your b'day to the event calendar. you should have told me earlier then everyone will drop by to wish you... nah, there's always next year!
welcome to blogging world!
wet wet licks
Oh Mackie...
I'm so happy you are here and joined DWB!!! Oh and HAPPY BARKDAY!!!! I'm going to go and introduce you to all my friends!!!
Lots of Loving Licks, Ruby
Hey it's me again...go check out my bloggy again. I've got a surprise for you!!!
Lots of Licks, Ruby
Hi, Mack
Nice to meet you! Ruby told us about your new blog and I wanted to come and say Hello!
Happy Birthday!
Have a good night
Welcome to DWB!!!!
Happy birthday and I will link to you!
Hi Mack- you have an pawesome name!
pee.s- stop by and visit!
Hi Mack, welcome to blogger. We read about you at Ruby's place. Nice to meet you.
Four Pugz
Hey, Mack Man!
Ruby sent me over. I'm Stanley. I'm an Airedale, and a bit of a goober, but hey, isn't everydog?
Come on by and see me sometime. You're always welcome in GooberStan.
Offering the paw of freindship,
hey there Mack! I ate a couch once when I was young too, way to go!
Happy Birthday to you Mack! I'm Ruby's friend just dropping by to say HI to you
~ Girl girl
Hi Mack! Thanks for wishing me and my paw well. And happy birthday, too!!!
Hi there Mack! Welcome to the World of Dog Blogs! Would like to hear more about you...
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
How great that you've now got your own blog - that was a good barkday present. Belated greetings too.
Just so there's no confusion, I'm not a dog, but a human lady with a dog fixation & lots of friends in the DWB world.
Will come visit again
Pats & pets
Hi Mack! We're Maggie and Mitch the Airedales! Nice to meet you! Ruby sent us!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Hey Mack! Congrats on getting your very own blog - it's so much fun!
We can't wait to read about your adventures!
Wiley & Fievel
You ate a couch? You are my hero. That is pawsome. Nice to meet you Ruby sent us over.
Hi Mack!
I'm Asta, a giwlfwiend of Ruby's and cogiwfwiends with her of Stanley's (isn't it confoosing??)anyway WELCOME!!! and HAppy belated Birfday!
You'll make tons of fwiends hewe at DWB..it's a gweat bunch!
smoochie kisses
Hi Mack!
Ruby sent me over to say hello! It is nice to meet you! Please come visit me if you get a chance. Happy Barkday - you have the same one as my mom!!
Love Clover xo
Hi Mack, Happy BD big boy. We like your new blog. We like to tear up stuff too, and have 3 pesky cats at our house.
Abby & Rosie
Ooops, we are so late.
Anyway, Happy Barkday Mack!
Boy n Baby
Dear Mack
I'm sorry I'm late wishing you a HAPPY BARKDAY but our compooter stopped. It's great to meet you, and I hope you have a wonderful Christmas.Santa will forgive you for eating the sofa. I've done much worse than that, and my mum told me Santa will still love me. I really like your blog, and welcome to DWB. You will meet lots of good friends.
Love from Hammer
Hey! What part of Texas are you in? We're right by DFW Airport.
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