Tuesday, August 5, 2008

In the Kitchen with Lilliana

Hola everyone!!

Thank you for all the well wishes, prayers and good vibes we received during our little storm today. Thank goodness it did not amount to a hill of frijoles. We got a lot of much needed rain, and that was it.

I gave mi madre a rest today in the kitchen and I prepared some classic Mexican dishes. I thought I would share them with you.

First off, I made ceviche as the appetizer which is seafood salad that has been "cooked" in lime juice only.

Then the next course was some Barbacoa served in tacos. YUM!

My favorite is the chilles rellenos! I like to use anaheim peppers. They are stuffed with Mexican cheese, dipped in an egg white batter and fried. Very tasty.

The next course is a Tex-Mex favorite: chimichangas. They are deep fried tortillas with any type of filling you can imagine. Momma likes beef and cheese and daddy likes shredded chicken. So I made both!

Don't forget about desert - I made some churros, which are deep fried pastries topped with cinnamon and sugar. Mack can eat like a billion of these mamas.

I am thinking about opening a Tex-Mex restaurant soon. Right next to my Psychic reading parlor!

Buenas Noches everyone.


Aggie said...

YUM!!!! Please come to my house and cook!!! I smell it from here!!

Very sloppy licks,


Snowball said...

I am glad that you guys are safe! Those foodie pictures are making me hungry. Can I have some please?


Beckett said...

You won't need menus for your restaurant, Lilly - you'll know what everyone wants before they do.

(Thank you, thank you, I'll be here all week.)


Peanut said...

Oh I would like you to come to my house and make me dinner.

Joe Stains said...

My Dad would be there EVERYDAY, he loves mexican food. Can you make Mole sauce, that is Mom's favorite!

Chef said...

Hola Lilliana Rosalita... I really love that name! Amazing dishes you cooked up. You'd do very well opening up a Mexican restaurant. Can you give me a psychic reading some time?


Ruby Bleu said...

Yummo as Rachael Ray would say! Lilly, please come visit and cook for me and my Mom...oh and bring my Mack too!

Lots of Licks, Ruby

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Goody Goody Two Shoes

Ha roooo!

I'm khoming to your case fur dinner!

My mom is drooling!!

Glad woo are all safe - and glad woo got some rain!!!


Lacy said...

w00f's all, me iz glad dat storm fizzled out..me been watch the weather fur all me friends down dat way...
me gots to git mama away from puter, her iz drooling...

b safe,

Lorenza said...

Hi, Lilly!
I know all those dishes and they are delicious!
The churros are the best!
Kisses and hugs

Asta said...

Buenos noches Lilliana..
You awe making us dwool all ovew..those awe all ouw favowites..I think you should come open one hewe in my neighbowhood..you pwobably aweady have many of them....
I'm so glad the stowmy guy didn't huwt you..and I think Mack did a soopewb job wif the bone welay..a little gnawing on the bone is no big deal..we all left ouw teef mawks, heheh
smoochie kisses

The Puppies said...

Yum!!! We love CEvICHe!!! It is wonderful!! Everything else looks wonderful too!!! We would come eat at your restaurant so long as mom and dad would drive us!!!
THe Puppies

Noah the Airedale said...

Oh my goodness, I'm drooling here. That food is to die for. Do you have recipes????



Those sure look good. Glad Edouard wasn't to mean to you. Essex still remembers Wilma and all the havok that caused.

Dog Speed,

Essex & Deacon

Girl Girl Hamster said...

Oh those look very very yummy..

~ Girl girl

Duke said...

You look like one heck of a cook, Lilly! Can we come for dindin sometime soon?!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Simba and Jazzi said...

All that food has made me hungry.

Simba x

FleasGang said...

Mmmmmm....chili rellenos. Drool.

The Fleas

Petra said...

Lilliana, I think you are full of beans, but that food looks PAWSOME!

I'm glad to hear that you are also still feeding Mack and he isn't dying of starvation.

Charlie Daniels said...

TBU wants to know if he can come over to your place soon .. that food looks awesome :-)



Maya and Kena said...

Buenos dias Lilliana!
YUMMMMMMMM!!! Delicioso!
We love Mexican food!! If you ever do open the restaurant, we'd love to help out!
Wags and licks,
Maya and Kena

♥Mona + Prissy + Angel Weenie♥ said...

Wow...We love Tex-Mex. The Mommy is drooling, me too!! Can we make our reservations now and since you are gonna be the owner, ya are gonna allow doggies in, Right? The Mommy said you can cook for her anytime.

Love...Mona & the Mommy