Right now Brother is in the living room doing zoomies at about 90 miles an hour.
Can you tell he has that wild look in his eye?
Meanwhile I am sitting on the sofa, acting very ladylike, relaxing with a dishtowel I found hanging off the counter...er I mean that mom gave me to chew on.
G'day Paris
You should have jumped on the floor and used the towel like a Matador each time he zoomed past! ;-)
Oh, go fur it!
He is a boy after all!!
That mack he's a good guy. Shelby says to say hi to you know who.
I'm with Charlie there! You'll have your own little bull ring right at home! Hehehe...
Have a good weekend now!
Nobody likes a tattle tale. especially one that tells on a Boston Terrier.
b good ms Paris or he mite tell on u next time u iz naughty...
b safe,
Hehehehehe... I think Mack could tell when you're going to tell Momma.
Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer
I'm glad he calmed down before you told on him. Could have been big trouble.
Simba x
Haha Mack was doing zoomies - I love those! And I also love chewing dishtowels if I can get my paws on them!
Love Clover xo
Don't you go dish'toweling' on my Mack. Or I'll have fly on over there and show you who is in charge - w00t!
Lots of Licks, Ruby
There's nothing like the wild boston eye to send chills down your spine! I love it!
Miss Paris, you are just a beautiful little lady. Motch says you remind her of Sadie over and over again!
I heard somewhere that if you get the towel all wet (with slobber) and spin it around, that it makes a great bum smacker. You could really get Mack moving fast that way! Mush!
Oh, Mack, you need to tell your mom that you need a sister just like me. Do you want me to help you find one just like me?
Youw notty, hehehe wanting to be a tatlle tail and stealing towels,,I like the idea of playing matadow that Was suggested
smoochie kisses
Paris you are just tidying up.. Callie borrows mom's towel all the time too. hehe
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
I've missed your sweet face whilst on my forced hiatus. As for that tough ol BULLDOG of a brother of yours.. well who wouldn't miss him! Mack... or should i say BUTCH hehehe.. I did miss Lilly too.. i need to catch up, i'm sure i will have missed you taking the mickey out of her.. thats always entertainment hehehe
Ben xxxx
Sometimes you just have to get rid of that extra energy. Don't snitch.
Hi Paris!
I wish my Mommy would lemme chew on a dishtowel! I bet they have lotsa tasty stuffs on 'em.
Awww Paris don't be so hard on Mack. He is such a cutie pie and you're so lucky to have him as a brother.
Love ya Mack!!!!
Noah Willow Tess & Lucy
Zoomies are the best!! We like to do them all together inside the house. Drives Mom totally nuts which of course adds to our joy.
Praps Mack is in training for the lympics. What is his best event?
Maybe he was doing zoomies because you drive him insane!
Zoomies are so much fun!!!!
TTFN, Meadow
We are due to get tropical storm force winds 6 PM to 6 AM Sunday.
We are getting some showers right now.
Essex & Deacon
Wilma killed our generator and Dad hasn't gotten a new one. If you go to our October 2007 post "Wilma Plus Two" you can see how deep the salt water storm surge was. Dad didn't know how to work the first one anyhow.
A generator is a good idea if you are in an area where power will go down for quite some time.
Essex & Deacon
Hi, Paris!
Let him be! Zoomies are fun!
Kisses and hugs
Moco gets that crazy look on her face sometimes and then expects me to play with her. No way am I going near her. She could do something very dangerous looking like that.
does the dishtowel taste yummy?
Paris, (Sunny speaking here) Apparently the function of brothers is to drive us insane. At least Mine's seems to be!
In all fairness tho, tattling usually backfires and Mack was having so much FUN!
Sunny & Scooter
Mack you should have seen the Mess Mom and Dad made today. It wasn't us..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Sounds like you both had fun today. :)
~ Girl girl
You make the dishtowel seems so tasty.
Boy n Baby
You must understand how important zoomies are for Boston terriers!
Hey Mack, My momma wants to know where your momma got your Texas collar. We need a couple! Hope Labor Day is going ok. We're not sure where in TX you live(or Mom just doesn't remember) Hope not on the coast.
Be careful, Paris! Mack will start calling you the Warden, just like mom calls me LOTS of times!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
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