Saturday, August 9, 2008

I've been SO good this week

With only a FEW, minor indiscretions:

Hey nobody can prove I did it, right??

On another note I was actually able to play a little soccer outside today! It wasn't as hot as it's been.

C'mon Paris lets do this thang!

I'm ready --- kick it would ya mom?!

Poopy break...

Whew I'm getting hot. Let's go inside and get some of that heavenly A/C, okay?Later!


Duke said...

No way did you do all that damage by yourself, Mack! We're quite sure you had LOTS of help!
We love that last picture of you! Your eyes just sparkle!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Lacy said...

w00f's Mack, Paris and Lilly, heehee macky, iffin u didid all that u iz truly wuznt as hot today here either...

b safe,

Gucci said...


I saw some boxer playing soccer at the park today. I wish I could play but iont know how.

Could ya teach me??!?


Ruby Bleu said...

I don't believe it for a second. I'm sure you had very little to do with all that stuff. I blame Juanita trying to frame you?

Lots of Licks, your Ruby

wally said...

I know--nice weather, eh?

And if they don't have pictures of you doing it, how can they blame you?

If you need a defense lawyer, I come cheap.

wally t.

Islay said...

Hey Mack it looks like you're coming along! Congratulations on being good (though when you reach about 2 or 2 1/2 you will start to act a lot more mature, and there goes all the fun!) Have a great weekend

licks & slobbers

Eduardo said...

Nah Mack they can't PROVE it was you that did all that damange! Soccer! Well I've never played but I'm sure it's fun!
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Great work -

and if I knew who to khompliment I would!

Tails up to the pup responsible!

Khyra (and Merdie)

Noah the Airedale said...

Nah nope never did u do that Mack.
Hey don't over do it in that heat maite.


Lorenza said...

Hi, Mack!
Even if you did it, you said it right... just minor indiscretions!
That last picture of you is great!
Kisses and hugs

Joe Stains said...

You are completely innocent I am sure of it!

Dexter said...

At least you got in a little practice time before it got too hot. Maybe you should switch to night games.



It sure looks like you had fun this weekend. We think you ought to try out for the pawlimpic soccer team. Gooooooaaaaaaaallllll.

Essex & Deacon

Amber-Mae said...

You are sooo handsome in that last picture! Oooh, are those really minor damages??? hehe!

Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer

Asta said...

You awe the pictoowe of good behaviow..pawfection..I hope it gets lots coolew so you can play mowe soccew
smoochie kisses

Rudy said...

Nah you didn't do it -- you're just a victim of soicumstance! (Mom is also a 3 Stooges fan) nyuk nyuk... We doggies must stick together so I won't tell if you won't!


Gus, Louie and Callie said...

Yes it was quite nice this am early so we trotted off to the lake again.. We are training Callie..

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie

Anonymous said...


I absolutely love that picture of you playin' soccer with miss Raines.

And I DO believe that you did all of that bad stuff yourself. I know you personally!

~Cousin Katie

Charlie Daniels said...

Are you sure this isn't a setup Mack?



Girl Girl Hamster said...

I dont think you did it Mack. What a fun day you had.

~ Girl girl

Clover said...

Hi Mack!
Look at you go! Great soccer skills!
Have a great week!
Love Clover xo

Murphy Dogg said...

Hey Mack,
Who's to say that Paris or Lilly didn't do that stuff?? They got nothing on you, dude, don't sweat it.
Murphy Dogg

Petra said...

I LOVE your work, Mack! You did a great job, and you didn't concentrate on just one item. I'm extremely impressed!

Anonymous said...

Welcome back Mack! Have you ever watched the movie Chicago? One of the songs goes like this:

"I didn't do it...
...but if I'd done it...
...I bet that you would've done the same!"

That is the song you should be singin, Mack!

The Devil Dog said...

Those look like the sort of things I would do. But I didn't, cuz I'm being good cuz mom is sad.


Emily and Ike said...

You have been a good boy!

Willie and Waylon said...

Nothing like some good destruction to let off some steam

Simba and Jazzi said...

Thank you for your concern while I was unwell. Your kind words made me get better so much quicker.

Simba x

Peanut said...

Paris ruined that stuff not you. I wish I could come play soccer with you Mack

Bobo the Boston Terrier said...

Mom says your teeth are perfect.

She says I need braces :-/

The Zoo Crew said...

Dude.... blame it on the old dog; that's what I try to do!
