Friday, July 18, 2008

We are expert beggars....

In these pics, mom is on the couch eating her lunch and we are watching her every move, drooling all the while:

Oops! I think she dropped a morsel!

Why does that dang Lilly always have to be first with the lunch hand-outs??!!


Peanut said...

with age comes privileges.

Ruby Bleu said...

Oh are so handsome - swoon ...

Lots of Licks, ruby

Ferndoggle said...

With those sweet faces, I'm sure your Mom shares her lunch with you guys!


BrandytheGreat said...

Aww, you guys look so starved! BOL>

Stanislaw said...

It's amazing how cute we can get when there are feasts around! You're looking as lovely (and hungry) as ever, Miss Paris.

PS- I've tagged you on my blog! I want to know what kind of feasts are in your home...

Petra said...

Lilly is a lot like Tad, always pushing his way to where there is food, where it's a tiny morsel or a big chunk.

We Bostons have more manners, don't we, Mack?

Randi said...


LOVE LOVE LOVE that last pic!

Love & Licks,

Anonymous said...

It's a good thing your mom has you guys! Imagine all of the vaccuuming she would have to do if she didn't have ya!

♥Mona + Prissy + Angel Weenie♥ said...

My dear friend Mack,

Thanks so much for all the kind words and prayers for my Aunt Annie. She left us yesterday.

I am so sorry we couldn't see your folks but the Mommy just wasn't up to it and I just don't feel in a kissing mood right now. We have been reading bloggies all day because they make the Mommy smile.

Thanks for being my friend....Love Mona & the Mommy.

PS...Lilly sure has a big mouth & sharp teeth!!

Duke said...

We do the exact same thing at our house! Sometimes the begging drives mom and dad nuts!
Age before beauty is the way it's supposed to work, Mack!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Dexter said...

Paris - I tagged you. Come and visit me.

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Those are SOOOOO the faces of khanines that have not been fed for....

Oh say.....

Five or Six minutes?!?


Anonymous said...

That first picture of you, Mack, is absolutely adorable. And that second picture of Paris is probably the best of her I've seen.

My favorite is that last one of missy Fuentes, tho, showing her tongue to the world. <3

~Cousin Katie

The Zoo Crew said...

Certainly your mom shared with all of you when she put that camera away!!!


Noah the Airedale said...

Why are some dogs always first to get a hand-out??? That's me in this household woo hoo.

Noah xx

Amber-Mae said...

Becoz Lilly is the Queen of House, that's why...

Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer

Dexter said...

Maybe Lilly gets up first because she is really an alien that can do mind control. I mean look at that last picture. Yikes!


Moco said...

Lily (Toby) is quick. You can never tell about those older gals.

Joe Stains said...

Haven't you ever heard the saying "Age before Beauty" ?? ;)

Islay said...

Glad to see you behaving yourself, there, Mac - what a gentleman, um, dog!

licks & slobbers

Asta said...

How could youw Mom wesist giving you all hew lunch..those awe gooood, hehe
smoochie kisses
pee ess...see you at the pawty

Lorenza said...

Hi, Mack!
I did the same today! Thankfully I am the only one here in my house and I got it!
Kisses and hugs

♥Mona + Prissy + Angel Weenie♥ said...

Oh Mack, I am so excited & I just have to share the news with you. My brother Toby got adopted yesterday. His new family had there meet & greet with him at the dog show on Friday. If me and the Mommy would have been up to working the show, we could have met them.

My Aunt Judy told us & she said Toby has two human brothers now but he gots a sister too!!

I have a favor. Can I use you and your sisters picture in a post the Mommy wants to do on my bestest blogging buddies?

Love ya....Mona

Myeo said...

Lilly is a fast mover?

Or ur mom normally feeds her first?

Boy n Baby