....And proud of it too!
My good friend Maggie (who is TEN YEARS YOUNG TODAY!) Sent me this:

Happy Birthday Pretty Maggie & her mom too!
Mom thinks I am around 14 or so, but I'll never tell!! Does this look like the face of an old lady?

OK now, no comments from the Peanut Gallery!
I may not be as youthful looking as Maggie - but I got a lot of spunk in me. Take a gander at this:
Did you hear the birdy chatter in the background?? That is another proud member of the red hatter club, mi hermana Juanita. She is 13 years old. Mr Butt was trying to bother her while she was sleeping and I just had to try and stop him.
Yes, I am OLD, but I am the best member of this family D@!^ it!
And woo don't look a day over 3!
Please thank Makhk fur visiting my blog today!!
Blogathon is LOTS of fun - and there are prizes prizes prizes!!!
Happy Birthday to Maggie and her mom too!
I like your barking video!
Kisses and hug
You dont look 14 at all. And looking at the spunk you have, no one will believe it.
Boy n Baby
Hi there Lily
I've Red Hatter button from Maggie too.
We're young @ heart!
Pats & pets to all
You're 14?? You look like 4 to me Lilly
~ Girl girl
You have clearly found the secret for young looking skin.
Simba x
You're only as old as you feel, Lily! I'm so glad we're both society members! And thank you so much for the birthday wishes!
Love ya lots,
YOung at heart!!!
you old ladies sure don't seem old to me. :)
There's nothing wrong with being older! We think you still look wonderful! And those red hats are so lovely! You have cause to celebrate!
Ozzie & Rocky
You are very Beautiful no matter how old you are. Don't let that Mack tell you any different...
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Haha the red hatter club! :) Well I think you are a pretty lady - and you don't look old!!
Love Clover xo
You are lovely and wrinkle free.
Lilly, I think you're a wonderfully feisty old girl.
~Cousin Katie
G'day Lilly
A Red Hatter hey! Is that anything like a Red Heeler?
PeeEss: Please say hi to Jenny for me!
I hope I'm not too late to say ~
Please do say HI for me! My foster mom is named Deborah and I used to be called Archie while in rescue.
Give them lots of wags and let me know how it went!
You go girl. No grass growing under you. Age is just a state of mind. (Sometimes body also.)
My grandma just had a birthday. She turned 39 again, and I think you're aging just like her, Lilly. You look about my age (1 on Monday!) and you are certainly one spunky girl!
Tanner barked his agreement right back at you! I am going to be 10 in march, are boys allowed to be red hatters?
It certainly is hot in Texas today. We sure hope you are staying cool in the A/C.. We go out for pee breaks and come right back in and nap. Of course we went herding this AM so we are soooo tired...
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Happy Birthday!!
You don't look a day over 7 dog years, you lovely specimen of dogliness!
Louis Reginald
Older and wiser--just like me!
Happy buuuuuuuuurpday!
wally t.
Hi My name is Eduardo, I'm a snuggle puggle I added you to my page, I hope you don't mind please visit my blog!
Hugs & Snugs,
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle
My Lovely Miss Paris,
How did the rescue reunion go? I'm excited to hear all about it! Did you meet new friends? I bet your humans were tempted to bring another wee spaniel home...
I don't think you look old!!!
I think you should be vewy pwoud to be a membew of the wed hattew's club..and you suwe look like a young lady to me..congwatulations!
giv my love to Mack and Pawis too
smoochie kisses
You are lovely, no matter how old you are, Lilly. And energetic too. Whew. You can still toss it around, honey!!
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