Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Dog Show!

My parents went to the Houston Dog show last Friday and all I got was this stupid trachea:

Actually that wasn't even for me - It was for my Aussie cousin Sheila! I don't mind cause we three pooches got some pawsome goodies, treats and toys.

And Mom & Dad had loads of fun. Take a look:
I think these biggies were related to Mango.

This picture made me hungry for hot dogs and cokes!

Thank dogness Reliant Park was air-conditioned - this dude had some hair!

These brother & sister were going ninety to nothing!

This little guy had to have a top on his cage because he had springs in his butt!

This tall gal was looking kinda sad - she was at the Great Dane rescue booth. I sure hope she got adopted.

We missed you Mona & her Mommy!

This calm, sweet fella is a field Spaniel. SPANIEL? I know he either isn't related to Paris or won't admit to it.

I bet this guy was saying a few choice 4-letter words.

He's a bull terrier. Mom says he looked a little like me. What do you think?

Mom says this newfy was so friendly and that I could learn a lesson from him. Urg!

Noah, is that you???

Mom says this BT was in a noose because he poops on the carpet. MOTHER!

I told mom she should have visited this booth. Lilly needs some psychic help.

This black cocker wasn't Stanislaw I'm pretty sure. He was way too foofy and his hair wasn't curly!!

I want to thank everybody who has given us some super nice awards - we will post about all of them this week and also we will catch up on our tags.

See ya!


Gus, Louie and Callie said...

Awesome pictures.. We love all your comments...
We don't think we will tell Callie we
went to the lake. We think she is feeling bad enough as it is..

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie

Duke said...

That trachea looks pretty good to us, Mack!
We feel bad for poor Mr. Poodle! We bet he'd just love to have some privacy for once getting ready for his big show!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Peanut said...

What a fun time for your parents. they should not have been interacting with other dogs though the traitors.

Charlie Daniels said...

Tell me more about your Aussie Cousin! ;-)



Aggie said...

OMDOG!!! That place looks like so much fun....I loved the BT playing.

Sloppy Licks,


Lorenza said...

Hi, Mack!
Looks like your parents had a great time at the dog show!
That trachea looks delicious. I am sure Sheila will love it!
Kisses and hugs

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

What a nice assortment of khanines!

I know which one I'm partial to!!

I love bullstikhks SO I'm pretty sure I'd dig some trakhhea too!!!


Joe Stains said...

Its a dog show, they should have let that BT show off his pooping ability!sheesh!

i said...

Sounds like a fun time! Great pictures! Hmm...a BT has to do what comes naturally. Pooping is natural, isn't it?

Patience-please said...

Oooh, did they see any whippets? Lots of whippets live down there.

wags from the you-know-whos!

Girl Girl Hamster said...

What alot of cute doggies. How come you didn't get to go?

~ Girl girl

Stanislaw said...

Aw man, there's no way I look like that froofy cocker spaniel! We keep it real, right Paris? Who wants to be brushed and bathed all the time?

I'm sure your awesomeness means you get more awards than you know what to do with. Well, I've got another one for you. You know I'm such a fan, Miss PR!

Sending cheesy thoughts your way~

Eduardo said...

I just love to check your blog you make me laugh everytime I come to your blog! My mommy is like, "Eduardo, what's so funny?" and I just tell her, "you wouldn't understand, it's a doggie thing!"
looks like your parents had a lot of fun!
Hugs & Snugs,
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle

Simba and Jazzi said...

Those doggies really want to look their best don't they. I wonder if they are allowed to play in puddles?

Simba x

Petra said...

This sure looked like a fun day, and I'm very that sorry you had to miss out on it, Mack. Are you forgiving your mom for leaving you behind?

The dog who has springs up his butt looks like a Boston. Could it be?!

Clover said...

Wow! Sweet dog show! Your parents saw some cute dogs! Sorry you couldn't tag along!
Love Clover xo

Moco said...

That looked like a fun day out for the parents.

Liss said...

You can join the Christmas in July gift exchange.

Asta said...

Mack Doggie shows awe so much fun..but I think you awe handsomew than all those guys!!!
did Youw sissy see the p-syckick?
smoochie kisses

wally said...

I think the trachea looks like more fun than getting blow dried.


Chef said...

A dog show! One of my favourite things. Too bad you couldn't see it for yourself. Maybe next time your parents will take you along. For Simba: Yes,they do play in puddles but not on show day. When they're not showing they're dogs like everydoggie else.


Dexter said...

Glad I don't have to go to those stupid dog shows (my brother Floyd goes like every weekend and is some sort of champion, bit deal).

Looks like your mom got to see a Mango sized doggie up close.
