Sunday, July 27, 2008

CheeseWhiz Part 1

My good BT buddy Murphy posted on his blog last (?) week about some cheesy 80's videos his mom really loves. Well if you're talking cheesy and you're talking 80's you are talking about my mom!! She loves just about anything 80's.
Here is one of her fave videos from way back when.

She is also loves this one:

This is what I think about them:


Gus, Louie and Callie said...

Oh Mack, you need to learn to appreciate the arts!!
Mom likes even older ones like Tom Petti of course she is dating herself...

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie

Murphy Dogg said...

Hey Mack,
You don't dig the 80's cheez? Yeah, I see you more as a metal guy ... a little Slayer perhaps?
Murphy Dogg

Snowball said...

Your face tell it all! Mack, I think I will not go listen to it. hee...


Eduardo said...

That's so funny! Mack my mom likes the 80's too, but I don't know anything about the 80's I was born last year!
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle

Joe Stains said...

That singer in the first video was wearing more makeup than my Mom does, LOL!

Ruby Bleu said...

Hello my love...
I have missed you so...but things have been so busy! Only 4 more days till I move!!! I went and visited my new house and i love it!!! you so need to come visit!!!

Your mom and mine like the same crazy things...see we were meant for each other!

Lots of Loving Licks, your Ruby

P(ee)S: Thank you for my awards...I promise I'll post about them soon!

Duke said...

You look like you're gonna be sick, Mack! haha

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Asta said...

My Mommi is too old to have seen any of those..she
's stuck in the fowties I think..don't look so down I'm going to cwy
smoochie kisses

Peanut said...

You mom needs a new brain I think if that is what she likes. hahaha It was awful.

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Don't worry!

Mom says they won't be on Music Mon/Momday OR Working for the Weekend Friday!!


Anonymous said...

Mack, I see your cheezy videos and raise you this one:

Lorenza said...

Hi, Mack!
My mom says that 80's were the best time of her life! I have no idea what is she talking about!
Show us what is the music you like the most!
Kisses and hugs

Asta said...

Poow Jackson..waiting fow wesults is one of the hawdest most stwessful things..Ihope I helped
smoochie kisses

Charlie Daniels said...

Is there something wrong with those movies? ;-)



Nanette said...

Aww, it's too bad you two do not share the same taste in music!

i said...

Songs from the 80s are great.'s just too bad you both don't share the same taste in music.

Amber-Mae said...

I like oldies too like the song I always dance to!

Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer

Dexter said...

Ugh, Mack, I'm with you. We're more Janis Joplin / Rolling Stones around here.


Petra said...

Your mom is about as weird as mine, Mack! They've gotta be glad they have us to bring some stability into their lives.

The last picture of you is a classic!

Maya and Kena said...

Hi Mack,
We're with ya! BOL!
The guy in the first video was wearing makeup!! Hehe!
Wags and licks,
Maya and Kena

Tadpole said...

Ehh... I feel the same way. Usually if there's music on in our house that means there's something going on outside that my girl doesn't want us to hear or notice. CAN'T FOOL US THOUGH!

Moco said...

I think Grammie slept through the 80's. She didn't have a clue who those videos were about.

Simba and Jazzi said...

Its when they start singing along it really gets painful.

Simba x

Martha said...

OMD! My Mom is a cheesy 80s fan too. It's so sad. I don't think there's a cure. Love, Martha

Noah the Airedale said...

Mack matie...are u ok. You look ill hee hee. My pinky luuurves the 80's too.

Hugs and tail wags
Noah Willow Tess Lucy