Sunday, June 8, 2008

Gruntin' Sunday

By special request from Paris' boyfriend, Stani, here is a video of Paris doing what she does best: making noise. (Midway through you can hear a duet by Paris & Lilly)

Here is part 2 of the grunting video:

And I am saving the best video for last:

And lastly I want to say a great big
HAPPY RUBYVERSARY to my beautiful Ruby Bleu!


Charlie Daniels said...

Now that is some quality grunting ... did you climb up and get the ring after it was tossed up there! ;-)



The Zoo Crew said...

I loved seeing you guys playing with your new toys :)


Lorenza said...

Hi, Mack!
I liked those videos! Sure is nice to see you in action!
Glad you are enjoying your toys!
Kisses and hugs

Ruby Bleu said...

Oh Macky...the last video was the bestest!!! You are just so handsome on could be a movie star!!!

Thanks for the shout out on my Rubyversary!!! It's been a great day hanging with my Mom...I really wish she didn't have to go back to work tomorrow!!!

Lots of Licks, your Ruby

Amber-Mae said...

YouTube vids ain't working well for us these past week so can't watch any of them. Sigh...

Butt shakes,
Solid Gold Dancer

Myeo said...

The bark actually shocked

Boy n Baby

Dexter said...

Not very ladylike, is she? I'm afraid I might need to rethink my relationship with miss Paris.

Mack, is that you making that sound in the last video? You sound like a squeekie toy!


Petra said...

It's so fun to watch you guys play, but Mack my friend! I jumped a foot when I heard your bark!

Stanislaw said...

Be still my heart!

Paris is a sexy beast!

Asta said...

You suwe awe a handsome cutie..I bet It made Rubisvewsawqwy to see you in action..and obviously Pawis is adowed by hew Stani..I wed his comment..lucky giwl!
smoochie kisses

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Nice Monday movies fur me to watch!

Keep up the good work!!


Moco said...

Great videos of you and Paris. Dawson makes a lot more noise than that. He thinks he can talk human. Why he would want to, is beyond me.

i said...

Great video. That's some grunts there hehe..

Girl Girl Hamster said...

Yeah the last video has you in there handsome Mack. :)

~ Girl girl

Duke said...

Paris is grunting! heheheheheh

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Joe Stains said...

Paris makes as much noise as the Doofus. Have you checked her for a doofus dot?!