It's been absolutely fabulous (a shout out to my British friends) at my house while Blondie has been playing Paris Nightingale over at Stani's place. I can rest in peace,

And Dad and I have been playing peek-a-boo Mackypoo without any interference from you know who,

We had beef, lamb and several cakes to celebrate :


That's so nice of you to save a present for your sister, I'm sure she'll appreciate it when she gets home.
I knew deep down you were a big ole softie, Mack. Sherman will never admit it, but he misses me to when I'm away.
Congwatulations on youw 100th post!!!! that's faboolous!
You awe such a sweetie to save a pawty favow fow looks like a gweat pawty..have fun!..I love you happy dance!
smoochie kisses
awwwwwwwwww, how nice of you to save pawty favors for Paris, Mack! She'll be tickled pink when she finds out!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
I hope you have fun celebrating the 100th post on your blog.
You are a nice sibling to Paris. I am sure Paris will be very touched by your kind gesture.
Mackypoo! You sure know how to celebrate! Congrats on your big accomplishment.
Absence makes the heart grow fonder, right, Mack? Hurry home, Paris!
Funny how those sibs grow on us. Congrats on your 100th post. The crazy old lady will probably get in the canoe and drift downstream before we get that far.
congrats on the 100th post, Mac!
Hi Mack!
Congrats on your 100th post!! Aww it was the cutest thing to see the picture of you missing your sissy...
Love Clover xo
Congratulations my Mack-man!!! I remember the days when we were just email buddies from Dogster...ahhhh...and look at us now boyfriend and girlfriend! I couldn't be happier.
Here's to 100 more posts!
Lots of Loving Licks, your Ruby
P(ee)S: It's ok to miss Paris! It only makes me love you more!
100 posts is quite an achievement, especially without opposable thumbs.
We knew you missed her. You just didn't want to admit it. No one to play with or play chase with.. She will be home soon...
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus and Louie
Yes we just went and visited BL's blog. That is great news. We can't wait till she gets home. We will have to go visit her... She is very special to us..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus and Louie
100 posts ... CONGRATULATIONS .. wow that is a milestone (or should that be kilometrestone in metric!) Anyway, great happy dance :-)
We knew it!
We knew that deep down you love Paris.
Boy n Baby
Wow I better check to see how many posts I've done too... Congrats on reaching the century mark! It goes fast doesn't it --
I knew you'd start missing Paris!
(heh heh)
Hi Mack! So nice of you to come visit us. And of course we can be friends. Next to the kitties, Ruis lives with two dogs, too, and we also have dog friends in the blogosphere.:-)
Congratulations with you 100th post, Mack!!
Karl & Ruis
Hi, Mack!
Congratulations on your 100th post!
We all know you love Paris but you don't want to admit it!
Kisses and hugs
Sounds like it's going to be a biiiig pawty!
Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer
ah we knew you loved paris deep down.
Congrats on your 100th post! sweet of you to save a pressie for Paris. Deep down you are still fond of her, aren't you?
Have a great weekend ahead!
Aw.. that's so sweet of you to save the goodie for Paris.
Congrates to your 100th post
~ Girl girl
Thats so sad. Eat the cake, that will cheer you up.
Simba x
100 posts wow congratulations matie...well done.
Hugs and tail wags
ps..we've got something for you buddy.
Congratulations on your 100th post!!!!! Woo-HOOOOOOOO that's worthy of an extra treat or eight! We're not surprised you miss your sissy; we always miss any of us when some of us are missing!!!
wags from the whippets
Pawty on Dude!!
Congrats on your 100th post!
I may never let Paris leave! You'll have to practice your bitey-face with Lilly from now on.
you miss her, for real?? Dude, this is surprising! eat some more steak, you might change your mind!
Happy 100th post, Mack!!! Don't feel bad about missing your sissy...I miss mine too when I'm away and she is at home. When I get back I always have to run up and greet her.
You need to stop on over today. Mom did a post in your honor!!!
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus and Louie
I truly think we would make awesome teachers.. I have been practicing my skills everyday. Mom is talking about getting a new trash can with a lid.. She is always trying to ruin my fun...
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus and Louie
Hey Mack,
Congrats on your 100th and I'll make toast to 100 more Mack-tacular posts!
Murphy Dogg
Aw. Macko. You're just a softie-pooh. Great that you can admit that you miss Paris
... and congratulations on l00 posts. Wow, your paws must hurt!
Lova ya.
Hi Mack,
Mona & Jody here. Just stopping by to say hello. We haven't been able to visit bloggies this week with my company here but we will be catching up next week...Jody is going home tomorrow.
I never thought I'd ever hear you say you miss Paris....she will be home soon.
The Mommy says congratulations on your 100th post and she wished we coulda been there to it that lamb shank...hehehe.
Love ya..........Mona, Jody & the Mommy too!!
Come on, little dude, suck it up. Having special guy time with dad rocks! Think of all the annoying things she does.
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