I'm gonna take my Rubykins idea and nap in the sunshine today!! (And of course dream about her while I'm at it):
Wait a minute.....is that a cookie box being opened in the kitchen???
I better get a napping spot closer to where the cookie action is...
Woo would look SOOOO inkhredibly pawesome with my skharf on!
I hope your mom will get woo one!
Have a great rest of your sunny Sunday!
w00f's Pups, love the picksurs of u mack...yummm a doggie treats sounds yummy now...
b safe,
You are one handsome young man!
Hi, Mack!
Happy Sleepy Sunday!
Glad you found a spot closer to those treats!
Enjoy them!
Kisses and hugs
I'm always impressed when you can multi-task, Mack. Napping while still keeping an eye on those treats is sensational!
Sleep AND cookies...pretty much the perfect day.
Thats what I'm talking about Mack! Nap next to the Cookies!
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle
Good thinking, Mack.
What a great smoooshed schnozzle photo of you!
Did you get any cookies Mackie? You know who I was dreaming about today???? I'll give you one guess...
Lots of Licks, your Rubykins
I am doing the same exact thing right now!
What could possibly be bettew than a combo of Ruby, tweats, sunshine and napping?
You'we vewy smawt Mack
smoochie kisses
Did you get lots of cookies?
Hee hee we love the second last photo Mack. You look like you've been stunned. Too cute.
Sun baking rocks, but it can make you a bit fuzzy headed, so be careful.
Mack-those are wonderful pictures. Sometimes it feels so nice to nap in the sun!
Babes & Cookies. What a combination!
Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer
BT's love sunbathing, don't we?
Cookies and Naps... my dream day!
That last photo... Mum melted at the cuteness!
love and tailwags,
Ben xxxx
Couldn't they bring the cookies to you, so you didn't have to leave the nice sunny spot?
Simba x
haha - we can be dead-to-the-world asleep, Mack, and when we hear any foodie stuff going on in the kitchen we're there in a flash!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
I hope you get a cookie. :)
~ Girl girl
Dream about the cookies and they will come to you!
Yes, always keep one eye open for possible goodies being given out is what we say.
Hey Mackster,
I met a pretty BT girl named Scarlett and I toooootally thought of you. She's kinda like a girl dog version of you...she makes the same faces and everything. :]
Hey Mack,
What a tough choice, dude! Sunshine nap or cookies? Aww, what am I sayin, food always wins.
Murphy Dogg
We're back!
Its the waiting that sucks, dont it?
You are one smart and handsome terrier. I bet nothing gets by you.
Mom loves the last picture of you. She is "awww-ing" all over the place!
Sounds like you had a wonderful day. The Treats must have been really special..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Hi Mackie and girls,
Mack you look as handsome as ever. We are trying to catchup. We are so far behind on reading blogs but I been thinking about ya lots.
Happy belated birthday to your Mommy. The Mommy is old enough to be your Mommy's Mommy so that would mean that you would all be the Mommy's grandhildren....that would be so cool.
((((huggies))) to everybody...Mona & the Mommy too!!
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