Sunday, May 11, 2008

Pool Update!

Paris and I now love the little kiddy pool - as long as there's no water in it:

It is wonderfully fun to play bitey-face in:

And I want to wish a Super Duper Happy Momma's Day to all the Moms out there - especially mine - I LOVE YOU MOM!!


Ruby Bleu said...

Hey Mack...
I just love that second picture of you and both look sooooo cute...especially you ;)

Give your Momma great big smoochie from me for Mother's Day. Oh, and a big smoochie to you too!!!

Lots of Licks, Ruby

BenTheRotti said...

No water?? but....but...but water is the BEST!!! trust me.. i know!! hehehe

Happy Mommys Day to your beautiful Momma,

love, licks and happy tail-wags,

Ben xxxxx

Gus, Louie and Callie said...

We want to wish your mom a very Happy Mom's Day. Canine Mom's and human Mom's are very special people.. Be sure and give your Mom extra kisses on this very special day!!

Happy Mom's Day!!
Gus and Louie

Anonymous said...

No water in the pool? But what fun is that? You're silly, Macky-poo mess.

~Cousin Katie

Duke said...

hehehehe - not you're talkin', Mack! That's my kind of pool - one with no wet water in it!

Happy mother's day to your mom!

Love ya lots,

Moco said...

What a great play yard. Maybe when that Texas heat gets up and going you two will be glad to have some water in it.

Crikit, Sparky, Ginger! said...

ok kiddos we think that weird no water but ya'll look great in the pics!

Our pleasure to run on over here and give your mommy love licks & kisses

waggin TX tails barking loud jus fur mommies today

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...


It's been a GRRRRReat weekend!!

Khookies and pressies fur my doggy nanny!!!

Thanks fur stopping by and saying hi - please give your mom a khyss from ME!!!!


Stanislaw said...

You're crazy. Water is awesome. Laying your belly in it is just great, and if it's more mud than actual water it makes it even awesomer.

So you like my plans for our humble abode? I'm working on my piece de resistance - the squirrel farm.

Happy mom's day to your fur mom too!

Abby said...

Happy Mom's day to your mommy! Hope she has a great day!

I'd totally go for the kiddie pool WITHOUT the water...I don't like swimming and I only go in really shallow water sometimes, I most certainly can't be forced into water! I like the color of your pool, it's pretty..... Have a nice week, Mack!

Southbaygirl said...

Hey mack-guess you don't like water either! I'll only get in a kiddie pool if it's SUPER hot outside!!! Looks like you and paris had fun playing! hope you're having fun with your mom on mother's day!


♥Mona + Prissy + Angel Weenie♥ said...

HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY Mack, Paris & Lilly's Mommy!!

Your babies are so lucky ti have you for their Mom.

Love...Mona & my Mommy too!!

Lorenza said...

Hi, Mack!
Water in the pool is the best! But sure looks like a nice place for a bitey face game!
Happy Mother's Day!
Give your mom lots of kisses and hugs from us!

Rudy said...

Oh yes it's not a party in that pool without the water!

And Happy Mom's Day to your Mom and all the other doggie Moms out there. I gave my mom 2 Q's and a great almost-Q run today at the agility trials. I can't help it if she told me to go the wrong way...


Noah the Airedale said...

I'm with you water is best. You two look like you're having fun.

Hugs and tail wags

Maya and Kena said...

We like that pool!! (We don't really enjoy the water)
Happy Mother's Day to your mommy!
Wags and licks,
Maya and Kena

Charlie Daniels said...

My humans have a big pool with lots of water in it .... they try to get me to join them for a swim .. but I'm not brave enough yet .. so I reckon your pool with no water in it is really cool !



Amber-Mae said...

Happy Mother's Day to both your mommies! I think it'd be more fun if there's water in there for me...

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

i said...

Happy Mother's Day to your mommy!

No water? How interesting! Wouldn't a bit of splish splash be more fun?

Girl Girl Hamster said...

You 2 look cute in that pool. Hope your mom had a pawsome mother's day

~ Girl girl

Petra said...

You two are tooooooooooooo cute!

I know your mom had to have a very happy mother's day with your very special wishes!

Gus, Louie and Callie said...

I must admit that I barked at those sheep to but the instructor said it was ok this time since we know now where my bubble is. That is as close as I can get before the sheep begin to move...

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus and Louie

The Zoo Crew said...

My mom hasn't turned ours "upright" yet and I am forced to play queen of the mountain right now! Since I love jumping into the sprinklers, mom says I'll love the pool once it's flipped to the right side AND filled with water!


Joe Stains said...

Maybe we'd like our pool that way too!! I hate water!

Patience-please said...

Yeah, instead of water, pools should be filled with friends and stuffies, and bones and blankets, and meat!
wags from the whippets

Dexter said...

Fill the pool already! Then you can play splashy bitey face and make momma insane with your muddy feet in the house.

FleasGang said...

Oh yeah! Now you need to come up with a good name for it instead of "pool". Maybe something like "the ring of submission" or something like that.

Hi Paris ;-)

the Fleas

♥Mona + Prissy + Angel Weenie♥ said...

Heehee, your right Mack...That Aye-Aye dies kinda look like Lilly!!

Urban Smoothie Read said...

me too... i love it when its dry...