Tuesday was bring your Boston Terrier to work day. Well it was for mom anyway. She said I was a great help and wonderful assistant. At least I think that's what she muttered under her breath. Here's me being the door greeter:
Here I am guarding the plant:
Here I'm checking the hallways making sure everything is safe:
Here I am sniffing for bombs and Cheetos:
Saturday we had a lame-o pool party. I don't like the pool a whole lot. Neither does Paris. Lilly won't go anywhere near it:
Wow...I wish I could go to work with my Mom...you are so lucky. Oh and if you don't like your pool, I'll take it off your hands...I love the baby pools at the park...but I hate baths...go figure.
Lots of Licks, your Ruby
This is a note to Paris~
I think you are very cute. And we are just about the same age. We'd make quite a handsome couple. The only issue would be... well, I'm obsessed with water! My belly must be soaking in all puddles, lakes and rivers at all times possible. I certainly would have been hogging that neat little purple pool of yours...
Oh Mack, I am so jealous that you got to go to work with your mom! I'm sure you were a great help. Maybe they'll hire you to be the official greeter.
Even if you don't like the pool, it's a beautiful purple color! I haven't been around anything like that but I think I'ld like to play with the hose.
We think your mom's company should hire you, Mack! You're doing a great job!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
These are adorable! I am here from timtimtimes! :) He is SUCH a ham!
That would be fun. If we got to go to work with one of our pawrents, we'd pee all over the place. That would be great! Any way, hope you pups are having fun today at least. And we agree with you: "More cow bell! Er, we mean more park!"
The FleasGang
I don't like pools either! I fell into ours once - now I don't go anywhere near there anymore.....
Hi Mack!
Sorry to hear your pool pawty didn't go too good. But you're lucky you got to go to work with your mommy!!
Wags and licks,
Maya and Kena
PS. About the comment you left on our blog about the episode, you should go over to Sassy's blog (http://littlesassycat.blogspot.com) and ask her when the next episode will be so you can play a part in it.
We bet she'd love to have you as part of the cast!
Nice job at work, Mack....did they decide to hire you full time? Every office needs a bomb/Cheeto sniffer!
xoxo - Bella
Hi, Mack!
The place where your mom works looks great! You should see my mom's office... de-pre-ssing!
Since I don't have a park here, I will take the pool!
Kisses and hugs
Hi, Mack!
You are sooooo lucky to be able to go to work with your mom! And you obviously provide a very valuable service there, too!
I would take the little pool, because we don't have any parks where dogs are allowed. :-(
Winnie :-)
The pool is too shallow for goodness sakes. No wonder you guys don't like it! BOL!!!
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
Hi Mack!
I'm sure you were a real asset @ your mom's work place.
In that last pool photo, you look as if youre turning the water on - as Amber Mae said it is rather shallow!
Pats & pets
You have to wonder who guards the plant when your not there? I can a job there for you.
Simba xx
You get to go to work? How I wish I could too!
We're not allowed to go to D's work place. It would mean a 2 hour train ride one way and that would be the pits.
Your pool looks pretty good to us. It's like one huge water bowl.
Hugs and tail wags
Noah Willow Tess Lucy
Hi, we are friends of Charlie's. It's very nice to meet you. Maybe you could add some fish to your pool. We have fish in our pond and they are fun to hunt, except being cats we aren't too fond of falling in the pond. But Charlie seemed to enjoy jumping in the pond and swimming around. ~Socks, Scylla & Charybdis
Mister Mackypoo-mess,
You should come to work with me one day. I'm sure everyone would love yas!
Also, it looks like Paris has another admirer. His name sounds Russian...
~cousin Katie
Dexter here!
Mack, good idea to have surprise party for Relentlessly Huge. Unfortunately, we are already booked to go to Australia for Willow's party and there is only so much excitment the big guy can take (plus his main gal MJ is going, so...).
I see you have a mini swimming pool too. I have been asking humans to build a lake in my backyard and even started the excavation myself.
Good job at work. Guarding, greeting, and bomb sniffing. WOW!
You two up for a game of chase?
I've tagged you on my blog! It's a little game... rules are on my post for today.
I added you to my links list. I hope that's okay!
i hope u get a decent pay for all the tedious job.
btw.. i'm with u.. i prefer park than pool...
Hey Mack--
I just tagged you. Check out my blog today for all the details about this new game of chase.
It looks like you went to work in an office. How cool was that? My mom is thinking of getting me a pool...should I like it or let her think she wasted her money?
Wish my mom khould take me BUT I'd get all dirty in her office -
My mom's boss brings her dogs somedays -
I think woo did a GREAT job - BUT you deserve a raise and some khompany stokhk!
PeeEssWoo: Tank woo for the kind khomment on my 6 things!
Hi Mack!!
We wish our mom has a "bring your Cavalier to work day"! She should know we're good at sniffing bombs, cheetos, chips, beagles..... :D
Momo & Pinot
More park sounds like a lot more fun than that pool..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus and Louie
Wow - I wish I could go to work with TBU ... I think he would like to play with me all day instead of working on all those computers. Umm, I wonder if he would still get paid .. oops hang on .. no pay .. no food ... nah, forget it ! :-)
Hi, cruising by with Charlie, just dropping in to say "mieow"!
Ahoy Mack! The motor yacht HIJINX has arrived! Come aboard for some sausages!
Wut up Macky? I went to work with my girl for a few months. It was truly the most awful experience of my life. I'm glad you escaped unscathed.
And pools are darn scary! They can suck you into them and swallow you and you have to fight your way back to life again!
OMDoggie Mack you do need a raise cos that looked like a lot of work! On another note how can you not love your pool man it's a pawsome colot and well Me (Crikit) & Sparky love to lay down in ours and since we're so big we we have 4 little pools (hmmm I should post thanks fur the reminder) Ginger jus likes to drink from it or walk thru it silly girl. You lucky you get to play bitey-face cos mommy don't let us silly mommy thinks we'll hurt each other Oh and if we did that Uh Oh with our binoculars mommy would be screaming like a bancheee you got off easy bud
Love Licks & waggin TX tails barking loud
pee ess: where's your stuffie pics fur the Appawreciation Day huh?
pee essssssL the word verification starts with 'coke...' mmmm mommy says she wants one now weird huh
Cruising by with Charlie & Momo & the rest of the gang on the HiJinx. Just dropped in to say hello.
Jan's Funny Farm
Hi Funny farm! Hope you're enjoying the cruise - we've covered a lot of distance - time for a little nap!
Dang you are lucky to get to go to work! You did a great job I bet! I hate water, hate hate hate it!
Hello Mack, it is just the Key West Collies stopping by. We see you are friends of Charlie too. It is always good to meet friends. Nice Blog Friend.
Dog Speed,
Essex & Deacon
Aw, Mack-o, how does a doggie get so cute???? You are definitely an excellent assistant. You should be hired right away and paid in cookies!
xox Slobberlicks.xox
Ahoy Mack! We are here with Charlie, cruising on the Hijinx!!! I bet you were surprised to see a boat full of cats and dogs appear at your plce, hahahahahahahahahaa
P.S. = next time you will have to join us!!!!
Mack you looked sooooo important walking down that hall at your Mom's work! You make us extra proud to be Bostons!
Ozzie & Rocky
Hi Mack
It's so nice that ouw boat stopped by and I could see you..come have anothew pawgawita wif us..you don't have to dwive aftew all...awen't those sausages gweat??
We'we stopping by the key west collies too..they have gwog
smoochie kisses
Asta fwom the HIJINX
You sure are doing a pawsome job at work Mack
~ Girl girl
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