Sunday, May 18, 2008

Oh not again...

Well, I am in trouble again. First of all mom was super mad when she saw the last post and insisted that I apologize to Lilly and tell every one I was making the whole thing up about Aunt Josephine. So I am sorry Lilly if I hurt your feelings OK?

And I am also in trouble for this:

It was dad's motorcycle glove. But I must admit, it was even better to destroy than a stuffie!

Oh and speaking of which, I must say R.I.P. to Mr. Christmas snowman:

He was great fun for playing a mean game of tug of war !

And I am ALSO in trouble for calling Paris Miss BigFoot.Her paws are bigger than mine- And I weigh 10 pounds more than her!! She's a very petite Cocker (except for her feet).

I want you to please visit my boxer friend, Chef's bloggy. He and his Mom are organizing an International Goody Exchange. It's gonna be a lot of fun!


Fenway said...

There's something about leather, isn't there Mack? It's just irrestible.

I had to have a taste of Mr. Human's 30 year old vintage super expensive soccer cleats. Very nice leather and workmanship, but the heel didn't stand up to my awesome teeth.

Good gnawing,

The Zoo Crew said...

Uh oh!! Someone better be good ;)


♥Mona + Prissy + Angel Weenie♥ said...

Sorry you got in trouble over Aunt Josephine. Does that mean I'm in trouble too cause ya read about her at my bloggie? I would hate it if your Mommy won't let us be friends anymore. I know ... lets give Lilly a red panda...he looks so cute and cuddly...I want one ya know.

love ya lots .... Mona

Duke said...

YIKES, Mack - go easy on the destroying of stuff or your mom will need all of the international goody exchange money to replace what you destroyed in your own house and we don't want that, do we?!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

B said...

Jeez. I guess you can't poke good fun at dogs anymore without getting in trouble. I bet Lilly knew it was a joke and had a good laugh.

Maya and Kena said...

Hi Mack!
Oh boy... too bad you got caught! But we all know you didn't mean to hurt Lilly's feelings!
RIP to your snowman stuffie!
And we heard about the goodie exchange, but unfortunately we wont be able to participate... :(
Wags and licks,
Maya and KEna

Moco said...

Dawson is our chew expert. He likes just about anything. His paws are like gun boats also.
I kinda like Aunt Jo.

Lorenza said...

Hi, Mack!
I think you have been very busy! I hope you are not in big trouble with your mom!
Kisses and hugs

Joe Stains said...

gloves are DELICIOUS! I used to like them when I was younger!

Weeny&Daisy said...

Hiya Mack! That glove looks like a lot of fun to chew! :D

We hope your having a great weekend
Love Weeny and Daisy xx xx

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Hey - he should keep his gloves with his skhooter -

That would have prevented THAT little issue!


Beanz said...

Mack, you are hilarious.

If your humans give you a hard time about destroying stuffies, just send them to my piece de resistance:

They'll forgive you in no time and you can gear up for round 2 (or is it 3?)

Petra said...

Oh, Mac, I'm with you. I'd much rather chew on some good leather gloves than a stuffie, but I haven't been given that opportunity -- yet. However, I found a pair of leather boots in the closet and have been working on them; they are starting to look a lot like your glove.

Ruby Bleu said...

Oh's all your dad's fault for leaving his glove around!

Lots of Loving Lick, your Ruby

Charlie Daniels said...

Mack, it's the leather isn't it? When will these humans figure out that leather to a dog is exactly like the best treat for a human!

Chew it I say ! .... oops lookout .. I think there is trouble coming !



Southbaygirl said...

Woo hoo you killed a stuffie! I love doing that-but I've never destroyed a glove-was it fun?


Peanut said...

Why did you have to apologize? For telling the truth? Does your mom want you to lie?

BenTheRotti said...

Uh-Oh I just "knew" the Aunt Josephine post was gonna land you in hot water hehehe
Mmmmm Motorcycle Gloves!! There are lots of those laying around in our house.. do you recommend them?? Is it worth the trouble you get in?

I personally think Paris is a bit of a hottie.. big feet or not.. then again, I'm not her brother! lol

love, licks and tail-wags,

Ben xxxx

Dexter said...

You are in big trouble, little dude. You need to stop rubbing your toothies on everything.

Stanley said...


Sorry I've been gone, but I'm BACK and catching up on your life.

Dude, what is UP with everyone coming down on you? Okay, so you chewed a glove... most of the fingers are still there.

And, what WAS that little gremliny thing you called Aunt Josephine? Is she part bat? Where'd she come from?

Hey. I understand. You're trying to bring a little cmoic relief. I get it. But, it sounds like your peeps don't. Lay off for awhile and you'll be back in the clear in no time.

By the way, you guys KILL me with your wading pool... as long as there is no water in it? I didn't realize you were so water adverse. I took you for a swimming Boston Boy.

Goober love,

Stanislaw said...

Aww man. Those gloves look TASTY! I have a slight leather-licking obsession. My humans have to stop me from licking other people's shoes in the elevator, and I've even been known to lick on a doctor's belt the entire time I've had a check-up. I completely ate the upper of one of my dad's boots, and once my mom's friend stopped by with leather boots up to her knees! Woah.

Good feistiness Miss Paris. I like that in a woman.


Ferndoggle said...

Mr. Christmas snowman lasted till May???? I'll say you exercised some serious restraint buddy!


Crikit, Sparky, Ginger! said...

Hey Mack! we agree destroying gloves are the best! our lastes was daddy's golf glove and mommy thinks he gave it to us cos he wanted a new one so we think you should use that defence with your daddy ~ daddy you needed some new ones and I was trying to help you make the decision. but destuffing is still fun if it's a tuga war

Love licks

Gus, Louie and Callie said...

We are so sorry about Mr. Snowman. It is summer now so time for Mr. Snowman to retire anyway..

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus and Louie

Islay said...

Oh Mack, not again! I know it's naughty, but I can really appreciate a good chew, too!

licks & slobbers

Urban Smoothie Read said...

tell ur dad is time 2 get a new glove...

Simba and Jazzi said...

You have been busy. Your Dad has summer gloves now.

Simba xx

Girl Girl Hamster said...

Oh boy. You sure have been busy Mack. I hope you're not in the notti corner..

~ Girl girl

WinstonBerry said...

Hi Mack!

I don't see why you are in trouble. Isn't that what good, mischievious and creative little pups do?? Besides, I think the glove looks more like a "redesign", than destruction. You should let your dad know that fingerless gloves are all the rage ;-) LOL!!!

Winnie :-)

Patience-please said...

You knew nothing of expensive glove.
You only knew it smelled of love!

(that's our story and we're sticking to it!)

wags from the whippets

Myeo said...

Are the gloves really tasty? We cant find one at home..sigh. Maybe we should get mama to buy one for us. Do you think she will?

**Psst: We didnt know about Paris being Big Foot until u tell us.

Boy n Baby

i said...

Oh boy, you sure have been real busy there hehehe...

Balboa said...

WOW you did an awesome job on that glove and your stuffie, I think they deserved it, hee hee

Can we use the second pic of you and Paris playing tug of war for our caption game?

Frenchie SNorts