Sunday, May 4, 2008

Another Lazy Weekend

We haven't been doing anything this weekend!! Except taking major nappies and enjoying the last of the half-way decent weather of the year. What have you been up to?

Well, that is, Paris & I have been taking it easy. Lilly has been busy all week preparing for Cinco de Mayo tomorrow. I'll have to admit, the house has really been smelling good with all of the cooking going on- tamales, enchiladas, burritos, chile rellenos, homemade tortillas. But the best part of all is all the tooooooooots I'm going to have!!


Ruby Bleu said...

Hey Mackaroni...
How's my handsome boy doing? I've been pretty much doing nothing too. Mom's been working and I've been napping. Tough job, but somepuppy has to do it, right?

Wow, all that cooking...YUM!!! Do you think Lilly will share some of her recipes???

Lots of Loving Licks,
your Ruby

Patience-please said...

We're going out to the country to run run run today!!! WOOO-HOOOOO!!! It's been like forever.
The food sounds mighty yummy at your house, Mack! And who doesn't love love love a good toot???

wags from the whippets

Peanut said...
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Peanut said...


Duke said...

All that Mexican food sounds delicious, Mack! We hope you get lots of tastes of it!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Joe Stains said...

yummm Cinco De Tooto!!! It has been boring here too :/

Moco said...

I bet that Lily is a great cook. Don't forget to take your beano. Hopefully you don't get the squirts. We are all lazy here too.

♥Mona + Prissy + Angel Weenie♥ said...

You Simon Crowell....No way!! They got us both wrong. The Mommy doesn't know yet when I'll be working the kissing booth at the dog show..we don't have the schedule yet. The Mommy well fugure something out for us to met up. Do you get to come too? Does your Mommy volunteer at one the resue groups booths?

I wish I had some of the Mexican food for lunch. The Mommy had Mexican food Friday night & brought some Calde Reyes home & we are gonna have it for dinner.

Don't do to much tooting...Mona

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Tank woo fur visiting!

Weren't the deer khool looking?

It isn't khwite all my bakhkyard - I let the golf khourse share it with me!


Deanna said...

That's my kind of weekend!

Southbaygirl said...

Hey mack-wow aren't you hungry smelling all that food? i would be! naps are good!


JB's Big and Small Worlds said...

Oooh, are you guys having a cinco de mayo party? Will there be treats for you too?

Gus, Louie and Callie said...

We guess all that cooking just has you 2 all worn out??

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus and Louie

Lorenza said...

Hi, Mack!
Here we don't celebrate 5 de Mayo! Its like any other day.
Lilly must be a great cook! Homemade tortillas?? Wow!
I like the way you spent this weekend!
Kisses and hugs

Islay said...

Hi Mackie! My human has been so busy lately that I have had very little time to carry out my social obligations - but I can see that you have been busy with those binoculars! We are having a boat trip right now, and you're welcome to join, just in case you get bored. As you live along the Gulf of Mexico, we might just drop in and wish you a pleasant week!

licks & slobbers

WinstonBerry said...

Hi Mack!
Thanks for stopping by! I must say, you and Lilly are soooooooooooo adorable!! Nothing exciting going on here this weekend, just the usual: sleeping, eating, sleeping, playing, destruction, napping. . .

See you soon!

Winnie :-)

The Cat Realm said...

Ohhhh - we almost forgot about Cinco de Mayo......
We are cruising with Charlie - and she suggested to come by and see you... so here we are!!!
A boat full of cats - some dogs - lots of wine and cheese, hahahahahahaha

Asta said...

Cinco de Mayo

That is a gweat celelbwation..and those eatables awe the best!!!
Enjoy them
Son't look so sad..why don't you invite Ruby ovew to help you celebwate
smoochie kisses

Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

Hi, I am with Charlie and we are cruising the Mexican coast. Hop on board and come for a spin with us. There are plenty of food and drinks.

Noah the Airedale said...

OMG Mack, you're so lucky that Lilly can cook delicious Mexican food. The tamales especially sound yummy.
Toots hee hee good one!!

Hugs and tail wags
ps. shame we couldn't have chatted longer in the chatroom last night. Was fun though.

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

Hi we are with Charlie. Sorry we were napping when everyone first arrived. Cruising is very hard work but lots of fun. Glad you could join us. ~Socks, Scylla & Charybdis

Sassy Kat said...

Hey, Charlie wanted to stop on over and we are with her. You all are such a fun group of doggies. This has been such a fun day and we are so glad that we got to know you. Be sure to stop on over and we can get to know each other better.

Petra said...

You guys know how to spend a weekend, just resting and taking it easy. I was outside running around because yesterday was finally a nice day in my neck of the woods.

Jans Funny Farm said...

Hi, I'm with Sassy and the cruise group. Just wanted to say thanks for letting us stop by and get acquainted. Have a happy Cinco de Mayo.

Rusty, JFF

Nanette said...

Looks like you did enough relaxing for both you and Stella Bella. Which is good becuause she was out walking all day on Sunday. Even after she finished a walk for charity, I still made her walk ALL the way home from the walk. Poor Stella Bella!