Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Too Hot fer Anything!

We've mainly been doing this:

Cause this weather is totally OUT OF CONTROL and setting records back 100 years!
So we mainly rest and eat and poop and enjoy the A/C.

The pic above is an oldie but goodie. We just sent it in to the White Dog Army, in support of their 2 Million PuppyUp Canine Cancer Walk. If you've never visited the WDA, their site is AWESOME! Go say hi and tell em Mackypoo sent ya.

In other news, mom saw this and kept saying the word "preshuz":

Ok, baby Big-Belly is cute, but does it even come near the oooh and aaah invoking of this:

(The correct answer is NO)

Have a great Wednesday!!!


♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Adorable video - what a big tummy that bear has - so big he can't even get up- BOL. Mack, you know our answer is a resounding NO too.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

Barbara said...

Wow, you all look HOT!!

And no, a baby polar bear doesn't come close to your cuteness!!

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

I hope you also peed a bit. Just sayin. hehehee

HOPE it cools down soon... butt not enought to SNOW though.

Two French Bulldogs said...

Dream of icicles
Benny & Lily

The Daily Pip said...

Hey Mack,

I bet Miss Judi would love to hat you - you should stop by and ask her.

Your pal, Pip

P.S: My mom doesn't really have blue hair - she is too much of nerd to pull it off. BOL!

Beanz said...

Keep up the sunbathing - and you can send some sun this way if you want...

Maggie Mae and Max said...


I sure wish I could send you some of our beootiful weather!

Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

You look like you're having a game of 'dead fish' in the first picture. Is Lilly judging to see who moves first?

XXXOOO Daisy, Kendra & Bella

We'd love to smooch that fat belly.

Duke said...

OMG, that baby polar bear is just adorable! Wouldn't he be fun to have as a playmate, Mack!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Dexter said...

NO NO NO! Not even close. What is wrong with your human thinking that round wiggly thing is cute?


White Dog Blog said...

Hey we thought you were getting a baby White Dog at first, but OK a polar bear works, too! That will grow up to be some little bro', Mack.

Thanks for the nice words about our blog, you are such wonderful friends.

Nuka wants us to be sure to hang the photo on our tribute wall so that she can see and talk to Paris (I think something is up between the girls)! We are so glad you will be there with us.

Unknown said...

Dear Mack,
Thanks for coming and visiting mes! It is soooo exciting to meets new friends! Me has 2 hairy slobbery sisters and me likes doggies (don't tell them though, me MUST maintain my image!)

K9 Katastrophie said...

BOL! You are the cutest! It is pretty hot over here too! Did you get any rain yesterday?


Anita said...

(can't see the picture) Is your mom having a baby too?

World of Animals, Inc said...

That looks like a great thing to do during this hot weather you are having. The little polar baby bear is just too cute. Thanks for the share. Have a wonderful rest of your weekend.
World of Animals