Sunday, July 3, 2011

Not So Bad

Having this messed up eye is not all bad. Having mom put these in my eyes every few hours is pretty awful,

and those pills there on the left are the absolute nastiest tasting things on earth. But mom feels sorry for me and bought all this stuff:

Those Vienna sausages are the best thing I have ever had! When mom "hides" my yucky pain pill in em, I gulp it down! I highly recommend them for taking pills or just fine dining. And baby food and Frosty Paws? Need I say more?!

And she doesn't want me to lose my buff figure, so we have been doing walkies again! We have to go real early, or the weather is unbearable. Here I am on my favorite part of the walk: the sewer! It has so many great smells and stuff. Mom can hardly pull me away most of the time, but today I am being "good".:

Well, maybe I'm distracted cause I see my smokin' hot neighbor.
Here I am inviting her over for some chowda and Sam Adams later this afternoon:

She said she had to wash her hair. Oh well.

Anyhoo, mom wants to send a HUGE THANK YOU to everybody who sent us suggestions as to an E-collar and all the wonderful well-wishes. Mom went ahead and got the Comfy collar. But you know what? I have been SO GOOD we haven't had to use it yet!! Mom says it's my pain meds that are making me so sleepy that my eye doesn't bother me.
Whatever. Just keep the Vienna sausages comin woman.

And we hope everybody has a wonderful 4th of July (No matter where you live!)
We won't be doing anything out of the ordinary.
Lilly will be sitting by the window, with her case of Dos Equis, cursing at the neighbor kids passing by.


Two French Bulldogs said...

Glad to hear you are getting lots of good stuff since you have eye monsters. You make a great watch doggy just like my Lily.
Benny (& Lily)

Dexter said...

You have a surprisingly big voice for such a little guy. I am sure that she was overwhelmed by your self.


Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

Oh Mac!! I am sooooo glad that the meds are helping... you get some grrrrreat treats!!! You do know how to make Lemonade outta Lemons!!

I do NOT understand why the neighbor gal would prefer to wash her furs to spending time with YOU. she must be Squirreled.

Amber-Mae said...

OH Mac, I am so sorry about your eyes! That must feel so yucky. But good thing for Frosty Paws! You soooo deserve those good stuff. Get better soon!

Duke said...

We've never had Vienna sausages, Mack! We'll remember this!
Have a wonderful 4th!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch


Glad to here you are recovering. Those Vienna Sausages must have pawsome healing powers.


The Daily Pip said...

Frosty paws are the bestest thing in the world! I am glad you are getting lots of yummy treats to help with the medicine!

Happy 4th!

Your pal, Pip

Maggie Mae and Max said...

Gettin' extra treats when you has to take medicine is always a good thing! Keeps gettin' better my furiend.

Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

Vienna sausages....hadn't thought of that; but the cheese we get it very good.

You get that eye well, so you can see the girls.

We have to check out the sewer and drains, because we find cats in there.

Enjoy the Fourth....get some extra treats.

XXXOOO Daisy, Kendra & Bella

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Looks like Mom is taking very good care of you, Mack. Dakota used to take tramadol and metacam for pain. Mom had to find ways to hide it for her too. She never thought about those sausages. Glad you are getting some tasty treats to help you feel better.

Happy Fourth of July to all of you too.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

Lorenza said...

Hi, Mack!
Glad to know you have been a good boy so no not very comfy collar for you!
I loved watching you on your walkie!
Happy 4th of July to all of you!
Take care
Kisses and hugs

Kitty+Coco said...

Mack you are so sophisticated with your Vienna Sausages..I mean, they sound so European and they smell great! Sorry about your funky eye. I know the drill there. I say it is worth it with all of the snacks you are getting.

Kitty and Coco

White Dog Blog said...

Glad to see you are feeling better...and so proud of the way you are using the situation to your advantage! Very smart!

Still sending White Dog Army healing energy and positive thoughts that the cone stays off!

Adien Crafts said...

Hi Mack, sorry we missed wishing you a happy 4th July, but hope you had a lovely day. The eye stuff looks awful to put up with but at least the treats are high value ;-). Hope your eyes are soon 100%, they certainly look good in your video, we love it that you bark across the road too, we're expert at that! Have a good week, Dex and Lou xxx

Cocorue said...

hey Mackie,

we are glad you are hanging in there.....just know that our paws are in prayers for least mumster crosses our paws for us, ha!

we'll check in on you later

coco and tiffy

Anne-Kathrine said...

Hope your eye is feeling a lot better!!!!