Sunday, March 27, 2011

And they said it wouldn't last

Remember this doggy bed:
Our dad said it wouldn't last a week: And that was TWO MONTHS ago!

Just goes to show I do have some self restraint !

SOME is the key word here.

RIP Mrs. Sock Monkey


Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

hehehe.... you are really really good at ripping the guts out of a stuffie!! Congratulations on mastering the technique. hehehe

Nice work on fooling your dad with the bed!!! Bawwwaaaah

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

You didn't really want a pink monkey anyway, right, Mack. Ciara has a green sock monkey, well, all that is left is the head and the body, no arms, no legs, no stuffing. And the best part is she just loves that rag.

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

Great demo of de-stuffing, de-limbing and de....whatever to Mrs Monkey!

Your bed looks like ours. Ours are in good condition because we won't sleep on them...BOL!

XXXOOO Daisy, Kendra & Bella

Two French Bulldogs said...

pawrents are dramaking and queens....just bring him to the ER for stitches...duh!
Benny & Lily

Barbara said...

Mack, most people don't know this, but sock monkeys aren't supposed to have arms!!

Lorenza said...

Hi, Mack!
Well... it proves that is a good bed!
Aaaand... was the pink color what bothered you??
Happy Sunday!
Kisses and hugs

Duke said...

Poor Mrs. Sock Monkey. She was so cute! We're glad you still have a bed to sleep in, Mack! The floor is hard and cold!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Unknown said...

hahaha awesome job on the sock monkey!! Your skills look awesome :) but yes RIP sock monkey.

Kitty+Coco said...

Goodness Mack, you totally had Jedi mind control to make that bed stay in one piece. Don't know how you did it. Guess Monkey got the brunt of your frustrations..

Kitty and Coco

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...


My word is TRANCE -

That must be what woo were in whilst doing THAT!


Ellen Whyte said...

Ripping stuff up is what you do best, Mack. You are destructor dog!

White Dog Blog said...

My momma would have stuffed as much stuffing back into Ms. Monkey as she could and resewn the simian as a one-armed toy! And then we are not supposed to feel guilty when we pull the other arm off of stumpy! One time I had a bear that I ripped off both arms, ate the nose and chewed off a foot and STILL momma kept fixng him and giving him back...let the poor boy go, I begged but it fell on deaf ears until I ripped open the stomach. Great job, my friend.


We think we saw that pink stuffie in a car commercial. You get visited by all kinds of famous tv characters.

Anonymous said...

Nice! I only recently came across your blog, but have enjoyed this post and will be back to read more.

Jackie said...

Nice! I only recently came across your blog, but have enjoyed this post and will be back to read more.