It says I am a versatile blogger! Wow - thank you Miss Molly!! The rules state I have to share 7 things about me and then pass the award on. Hmm. Ok here goes:
1. I don't like water. Does any BT out there? I think if we were meant for water we would have been given longer legs. And longer noses.2. Given the chance, I like to sleep under the covers, or a bwankie if mom kicks me off the bed.
3. Dad's nickname for me is "Tubby", but he should know by now, it's all muscle.
4. Mom started wanting a BT when she babysat my neighbor, Minnie (who was 8 pounds and loved to cuddle).5. I suck at online games (Prolly the no thumbs thing)
6. I am a momma's boy but I don't want anybody (especially my Ruby) to know about it. Dang it, the cats outta the bag!7. I was suppose to be a boxer. Mom was gonna give Dad a boxer for his birthday, but she couldn't find any in our area for sale at the time. So here I am!
1.Petra Pot Pie - Remember when I first started calling you that?? You were no bigger than a Marie Calendar's.
2. Martha - I know another BT that misses you too.3. Tito - Another BT I miss hearing from
4. Murphy - Yet another BT on the most wanted list. I sure hope his 'rents are doing okay, cause they are some super punk people!5. BP & Stanislaw -Paris gets excited whenever she hears from you.
6. Ben - The Rottie. I know we all miss this gentle giant a lot7. Oscar, Tucker & Tinkerbell - Hope you guys are alright. We would love to hear from you.
8. Archie - One of the best bully boys you're gonna find anywhere.9. Hector & Lola - I think they went out of business. (Bloggy speaking, of course)
10. Cooper - Still another BT11. Maggie & Opal - I hope it's just that they are busy with their new baby brother.
12. Sunny & Scooter - Let us know when you get all settled in, K?
14. Bella - Another Boxermess who I miss. (I think she also has been busy with a new two legger)
15. Cricket,Sparky and Ginger - Hope all is well for these poochies too!**********Guys, if you are reading this - give us a shout !!**************
And here's some pics for your entertainment:
You think her eyes look evil -well, they ain't got nothing' on her breath
The Mackman
Her majesty sunning herself
Have a great weekend every doggie!
Congrats on your award, youz is so deserving of it. :)
Woofs and LIcks,
Maggie MAe
PeeS I KNEW youz was just babysitting! ;)
Hello Mack!!
Congratulations on yous award!!!!
We did love finding out more juicy stuffs 'bout yous to hold over yous head and tells Paris whens we's needs sometings from yous!!! HA HA HA!!
We's play nicey nice wits hers yesterdays, butt yous kind of smushie likes us's!! We's team MACK!!
IzZY & Josie (Anakin is still chompings on his foods..hee hees)
Hey Mack!! Congratulations on the Award!! I liked learning more about you... and.. I won't tell anything,even if the Cat IS out of the bag... Just don't let the Tree Rat out. OK???
Mom says boxers and BTs seem to go together. In fact the next dog dad wants to get is a BT.
Muscle Mack! Oh yeah! You were supposed to be a boxer? What was Paris supposed to be?
Khongrats on the award!
Those were so PAWESOME fakhts!!
As fur your choice of recipients, most excellent!!!
I miss Ben A LOT too - after all, he was one of my furst Blog BF's -
PeeEssWoo: Thanks to his khousin GJ, I'll even be mentioning Ben on my Saturday post!
Ph those expressions are priceless!
Benny & Lily
Congrats on your award, Mack.
I wish we coulds have met you at da Houston Dog Show (I be a Houstonian to, ya know)....but maybes next time!
Hey there Bostonian-dude, Lilly-lady and Paris-the-fairest-of-them-all,
We are in the midst of some major changes and so we haven't been able to blog for a while now. As soon as things calm down a bit we'll be back in action. We love your tag, but we'll be late in responding. Please forgive us!
Feasts for all,
Hi, Tubby! Ayayayay.... ooops... Mack!
Congratulations on your Award!
I loved reading those things about you!
Kisses and hugs
Hi there muscle Mack, we knew you wouldn't steal Chloe for any nefarious reasons.
Congratulations on your award. We love your blog now that we found it.
XXXOOO Daisy, Kendra & Bella
hello mack its dennis the vizsla dog hay grate list!!! i hope it brings sum of yore missing frends back but if it duznt maybe sum ham sandwitches wood wurk insted??? ok bye
Congrats on your award, Mack. It's good to learn more about you. With that hydrophobia, I htink you have a lot in common with Au and target.
Hey, you're better than any Boxer, Mack - no offense to our Boxer friends, of course!
We hope all of the bloggie friends you passed awards to get back to you! Gosh, we miss them all too!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
Hey Mack! Can you believe I just got your nice card? Yuh becuase you know who has been TOO LAZY to check my mailbox. I can't wait to show off the cool sticker on my mastiff mobile.
Hi Tubby Macky, I was about to shout then I realizied that I'm not one of the missing pups.
I'm one of your frequent favorite readers, right?
Congrats on your award!
Hi Mack! Congrats on the award! IT was fun to learn that stuff about you - we are bad at online games too! And we don't think you look tubby at all!
Have a wonderful weekend!!
Hi Mack,
Congratulations on the much deserved award! Those were some neat things we learned about you. Next time you decide to "babysit" maybe just leave Pair a note so she doesn't get all worried...that's a good bro'
What you don't like water? Now that has to be a crime...
Great pictures...
Congrad's on your award..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Congrats on the award, we love reading about our doggie pals.
Have a great weekend!
MM! Congrats on your beautiful award! It couldn't have gone to a more special MM! I won't tell anybody that you're a momies boy, and even if everyone finds out, they'll just say that it is ok because that's why you are so loving and caring. One example was you babysitting!!!!
Hugs & smooches! xoxo
Congrats on your award! It was nice of you to "babysit" :)
Emma Rose
Congrats on the award. I will pass on your message to my cousin Ben. I know he will be thrilled with that. Nicholas and Leon bean are mums great grandsons, so are Bens beans cousins.Take care GJ x
w00fs, i sure miss sum of our friends too...wonder what they doing and where they is..
b safe,
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