Saturday, July 24, 2010

Saturday at the Dog Show

Well not for me, but I still like it when mom goes cause she buys stuff for us to last the whole year.

Here I'm showing mom I desperately need some new toys. Somehow mine got all chewed on and dirty - you know Paris did it.
"Mommy, pwease oh pwease oh pwease bring me some pressies home, okay"??

Do I have to get all teary eyed on you???

This is me when she came home! Yikes, goodies galore!

Plus, she had some very interesting (and somewhat suspicious) doggy smells on her. Certainly she wouldn't pet other doggies, you think?

She said this Newfy was goofy. Well not really. She said he was soft and cuddly and sweet,
and gave her tons of sugars. Okay mom I see where you're going with this....

There were a couple a post surgery patients there too:

Mom said she just knows M&M are better behaved than this guy! She said he never stopped moving, thus the bad pic!
Rott butt!
This is the Mastiff Rescue booth. Mango, did you know you are a Texas Chihuahua??

It's a Dennis Dog! And he's sticking his tongue out at mom! BOL! (PS: That white splotch is a pressie mom bought for my babe!)
A think that guy is tired!

And I'll save the best pics for last...
Hi Mona!!
Mom went on and on about how pretty and sweet Mona was in her kissing booth! Just look at that smile!

Okay, gotta go and chew on my kneecap! (well what once was a cow kneecap).

Thanks for stopping by!!!


NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

What a Great day fur all!

I just saw The Luke's pikhs - I guess he was at the same show!

As fur that handsome MAL(e)-a-mute, furry nice!

I'm glad woo worked your Mack Magikh on your mom !

Thanks fur sharing Mona's beaWOOtiful self!

PeeEssWoo: I know Mango RH will be flattered!

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

How great that you got some new toys. And wow, your Mom got to meet Miss Mona??? She is a cutie - did she get a kiss too? Bet your Mom had a lot of fun - ours says she would love to snuggle with that Newfie too.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

Congrats on giving all that $ to Shelby. What a nice thing to do. Glad we could help.

Sometimes our human comes home smelling of CATS!

Did you eat the rest of the cow leg?

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

Looks like your Mama had a great time..and you got some nommie pressies!!

Smileys & Snuggles!
Dory, Jacob and Bilbo
The Tree Dogketeers

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

Mack you lucky ducky you!! Loved the faces. They got you some grrrreat stuffs.
AND... your mom got to see MONA???? How grreat is that?

Unknown said...

GREAT Pikturs!

My mom was wanting to go today....butt she was lazy and didn't goes out in the heat after work. But maybes she will go tomorrow. We want to visit the lovely Miss Mona!!



Bonnie was very gentle with us too. Hardly any rain, we got to go to the Dog Park Friday.

We had a good time, though the air was hot and humid, but that is Florida for you.

Dog Speed,

Essex & Deacon

Lorenza said...

Hi, Mack!
Sure your mom had a pawesome time there!
And she saw Mona too! Wow!
And... tell us... did she bring something for you??
Happy weekend
Kisses and hugs

JD and Max said...

Hiya Mack,

We were almost weeping at the begining of this post - you sure do have the SAD look down pat, we totally had us, we could hardly stand it!! We're gonna practice that look ourselves 'cos WOW it sure worked, he he he!! What a great day your mom had, so many cutie patooties she met! Especially Miss Mona in her pooch smooch booth - oooh, be still our beating hearts!!!

And we just want to say - how you were pawsome for helping Shelby the way you did. You have inspired us - we're thinking about hosting an auction to raise some of those green papers for Shelby, we just need to work out a few practicalities and then we'll let everyone know what we're doing. You are one cool doggie and your humans are very special - you ROCK!!

Schnauzer snuggles - JD and Max.

Duke said...

Mitch never stops moving either, Mack, and the only reason that I do is because I'm a senior or I'd be blurrin' the picture too!
Mona in her kissing booth brought a smile to our faces!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Lola and also Franklin, too said...

You do some great faces, Mack. I imagine you could get just about anything with faces like those. Very cool that your Mom saw Mona and got her photo, too. Congratulations on the pressies that Mom brought home.

wags, Lola

Noah the Airedale said...

Fancy the dale not keeping still for a photo hahaha.

Noah Willow Tess Lucy

Maggie Mae and Max said...


It sure looks like your mom had a grreat day AND she gots to see Miss Mona....Bonus!

Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae

The Daily Pip said...

You make great faces! Maybe you have a future in show business? Have fun with your new toys!

Your pal, Pip

Peppy Sheppys said...

Whoa! What a cool show! I hope you got a lot of prezzies after your mom was a bit, ahem, free with her attention with other dogs!

Sheps w/Pep and Otis

Gus, Louie and Callie said...

Boy Mack Mom sure had a lot of fun without you. All those kisses and hugs she got. We would really be jealous..

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie

Dexter said...

Hey Mack! That was one wild dog show. The kissing booth! Hubba hubba. Hey! I feel so sad about those orphan mastiffs, but especially if they have to live someplace as hot as Texas!


Ellen Whyte said...

That looks like an interesting show. Waiting for the amazing toy delivery!

the booker man said...

what a cool doggie show! it looks like your mama got you lots of fun loots. YAY! oh, and isn't miss mona just the cutest in her kissing booth! teehee.
the booker man

Simba and Jazzi said...

What a great day, so many doggies.

Simba and Jazzi xx

White Dog Blog said...

Hey Mack, you work the camera (and mom) like a PRO! The dog show looks like it was fun and it sounds like yu scored in the pressies department! Nice Work!

Those Elgin Pugs said...

Oh Wow!! Look at alls 'dos toys!! Next times yous home alone
{paws on the cheeks}
yous calls us-we's come overs and plays too!!

Mommy and Daddy come back too smelling like other Doggies and even have pho-toes of other doggies in 'dere camera!! Oh 'da nerve!!

Stay Tuff!! I wouldn't clean ups 'da mess!!

Izzy, Josie and Anakin Man

the booker man said...

mack! i'm back! heehee, that rhymed. anywho, i just wanted to woof that yeah, i'm totally in love with miss mayzie. *sigh* but NO! there is totally no love triangle with mango. he's just being dorky!
the booker man

Anonymous said...

Wow! What a fun day! And the Texas Chihuahua thing made my mom bark right out loud! That's one of the funniest things we ever heard!

And your mom gots to meet MONA??? Ohmidogness! How very exciting! We're cuzins you know - like a hundred times twice removed cuz part of my dee-en-ay is wire-haired dachshund.

And I'm glad you got lotsa pressies if your mom was going to be out away from you luvin on all those other doggies.

Wiggles & Wags,

Mango the Maltese kiddo said...

Mackman, I'm happy to stay home if my mom brought back a cow kneecap for me. Mona is darling as ever, too bad neither of us could be there to enjoy her kisses.
Did your mom miss something? No Malteses in the Dog Show?

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

We hope you get oodles of goodies!!!!!

White Dog Blog said...

Hey Mack! I would like to Paw It Forward with a Random Act of Kindness to you in honor of the special work you did to raise money for poor Shelby. You don't have to pass this on, it is Quinn and I acknowledging your cool deed. Will you accept our present? Please email me your postal address to we can send you a package. Our email is We REALLY hope you say YES!

Cloud the Wonder Dog said...

Hi Mack! So did she bring you lots of goodies besides the kneecap?
I hate when my mom pets other dogs when she's away from me, but I have to admit, the smells she brings back are intriguing...


Donna said...

What a fun show! :) I would give u lots of treats and scratch ur head after I came home from that. If I were there. :) Woof woof!