Friday, October 16, 2009


There's a cat in my Aloe Vera!!!!
And he's brought along his stinky brother:
And Mom's been feeding them! This doesn't look good. What should I do???

PS: Happy Birthday Mom - I love you and stuff.


Noah the Airedale said...

Are they going to be living with you Mack? They look sweet.
Happy birthday Mack's mum.

Noah Willow Tess Lucy

Cocorue said...

Macky are you doing anything special for your mumsy??? you have to or they have a looooooooong memory....

go hide the cats or show them the way to the neighbour's house ....just don't let them stay too long or mumsy will grow attached to them

pls kiss your mumsy extra long for me

Dexter said...

This is most serious and must be dealt with immediately. I suggest you start by sprinkling your manly pee on their kitty resting places. That should give them something to think about.


Peanut said...

Get them away now or they will come to live in your house and hit you with their awful feet.

Izzie said...

I say your best bet is to check with a cat rescue to see if they have a Trap-Neuter-Release program so you don't end up having to deal with with gobs of these things instead of just two! Mama says her community cat shelter got a grant to reduce the ferile cat population by getting them fixed so they don't multiply. I dunno, mama never said there'd be maff.

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

OH, Happy Birthday to your Mom, hope she has a great day. What's up with the cats? Chase them away, that's what we say.

Woos, TD and PHantom

Ruby Bleu said...

Happy Barkday Mom...and please don't feed the stinky cats!!! Give my Macky a big smoochie for me!

Lots of Licks, Ruby

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...


I thought woo said your mom wanted another KHOOL khanine fur her birthday...

Not stinky khats!


PeeEssWoo: I'm sure woo will give her some extra MP Sugars!

Gus, Louie and Callie said...

You just going to have to grin and bare it Mack. They maybe there for good??

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie

Josie said...

Oh my dawg! I think they are messengers from Catdom and the message is soon you will have a kitten or plural of those living with you. It's a sign!!!!!I think that you will have to adjust. I can tell you some cool stuff about stuff I've blamed on my brother and sister cats. Gosh, I hope they don't know how to use the 'puter. Good luck!! Love, Josie

Josie said...

And Happy Birthday to you Mom!!!!!

Brind'Amour Clumbers said...

Hi Mack! I missed you! Ummm, why is your mom feeding those cats???


Bella the Boxer said...

That's not good at Mom started feeding Front Porch Kitty last year, and he's never left. ARGHHHH.

xoxo - Bella

Two French Bulldogs said...

moms just don't think sometimes!
Benny & Lily

Lorenza said...

Happy Birthday Mack's mom!
I hope those 2 are not your Mom's own birthday presents!
Keep an eye on them!
Kisses and hugs

Sally Ann and Andy said...

They look very cute. They might not stick around. You never know.
Sally Ann

The Oceanside Animals said...

If they're in the aloe, they must have very very soft skin and fur. Maybe you can use them as a pillow.

Murphy Dogg said...

Hey Mack,
Are they lost? Maybe your mom can catch them and take them to your local animal rescue place so they can find homes of their own and quit horning in on yours.
Murphy Dogg

Anonymous said...

Oh has your mama named them yet???? If she names them and then talks about spaying/neutering them then they will be staying lol.

Happy Birthday to your Mama, hope she had a great day!!!

Duke said...

Uh oh! We think you'd better get used to them, Mack! It looks like they're there to stay!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Anonymous said...

Oh boy. This does not look good. It has happend to us before!!

Asta said...

Aww Mack
Give em a chance, they might be fun to have awound and play chasey chase
I hope youw Mom had a gweat Biwfday
Thank you fow youw wishes fow my daddi
smoochie kisses

i said...

They look cute though. Happy belated birthday to your mom. Hope she had a nice time.

Joe Stains said...

omdog and I hate to say it but they are CUTE CATS?!?

Sunny,Scooter, (sometimes Jamie) said...

Happy Belated Bday to your mom. She is a Libra like ours! (ours is 9/29 and I think maybe the year was like 1800 or something cause she's.. hu? oh no mom, nothing, nothing at all...shhh mack)
Did y'all end up keeping those cats?!? they carry very sharp knives in their paws ya know!
Sunny, who just barely escaped being found out callin her mom old hahahahaha