Sunday, September 6, 2009

I Live with Some Lazy @$$ Canines

By Lilliana F. Gonzales.

It is already 5:30 AM, and so far I have made some tortillas, started the enchiladas for lunch, made some flan for desert and just finished the migas for breakkies.

And do you know what the other two have been doing???? I will give you one guess!!

Being lazy!

I have one thing to say about that:

Oh I know he din't!


Dexter said...

Hey! What kind of cracker dog gets up at 4:30 AM to work in the kitchen anyway? It is still nighttime.


NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...


I'm only up bekhause Mom has one of her transportie thingies!

Bakhk to sleep with ye!


Stanislaw said...

Mommy recommends the breakfast tacos. DELISH!

You can come live with us, Lilliana G. I LOVE waking before sunrise to cause trouble and Big Pupi is obsessed with tiny female chihuahua dogs. He'll dote on you and I'll party with you. We'll both feast on your cooking. Sound like a plan??

Oh, and tell Paris she can come too. BP isn't the only one who gets to have a pretty lady visit.

Lorenza said...

Hi, Lilly!
All those things you cooked sound pretty familiar to me and guess what... my mom ate migas for breakfast this morning!
I hope you all have a nice an lazy sunday!
Kisses and hugs

Arran, Arthur and Mum said...

I have to say I agree with the other 2! I doesn't like to get up early!
~lickies, Ludo

Two French Bulldogs said...

Unbelievable! You would think they would help ya out!
Benny & Lily

Josie said...

Hi Lilliana!!! You're super ambitious and You're making me crave Mexican food, Seniorita! Make those lazy-bones do the dishes whilst you put your feet up and chill with a Margarita! Love, Josie

Gus, Louie and Callie said...

What is with those 2? They are burning daylight. You all could be at the lake watching the sun come up with us...

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie

Sally Ann and Andy said...

This reminds me of a pre-school story my mommy read to me. It is about 5 animals. It is called the Little Red Chicken. Basically, the little red chicken does all the work and makes bread from planting a seed, to harvesting the wheat, to baking the bread. She ask the other four animals to help. But, they all say, "not I." So, she does it all herself. Do you know what they say when it is time to eat, "I will." Do you think she will let them eat. No, she did the work, she gets to eat the bread.
So, long story short. You did the work, you get to eat the food. Well, that is what I would do. I adore reading, and I learned from that book. You must participate in something to really be part of something.

So, the food is all yours.
Sally Ann

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

We are early risers too, Lilly, but then we do sleep most of the day away. So how was that dessert?

Tail wags, the OP Pack

i said...

Oh boy, can they really sleep eh? Poor you, Lilly, having to prepare all the breakfast by yourself.

Noah the Airedale said...

We're up at that ridiculous time because we have to walk D to the station....but then we go back to bed hehe.
You cook nice food Lilly. Can you come here and cook up a Mexican fiest for us?

Noah Willow Tess Lucy

Duke said...

The early bird gets the work, right, Lilly?! We'll be right over! Your cooking sounds delicious to us!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch


That sounds soooo good. Glad you are having a pawsome morning.

Essex & Deacon

Oakley and Swisher said...

MMMMMMmmm enchiladas! Haha sorry we got stuck on that. Mack looks like he was dreaming about some enchiladas.

Lots of Licks--
Oak and Swish

Southbaygirl said...

Hi Lily, I bet Mack and Paris really wanted to help you cook.....I know they did!!



Bae Bae said...

Hee hee.. I think they're doing a pawsome job napping. ;)

~ Bae

Anonymous said...

Good god that is early. Can't blame the rest for sleeping in lol. Althought the food sounds delish!

Woodrow, Luna, MJ Campanella said...

what a hard working pup you - are and those slackers at least thety could be assisting you

Woodrow - Sweetie - MJ

Tibby said...

I am trying to catch up with all my friends and wanted to make sure I stopped in to say hello to you! Stop by my blog this week to see the fun stuff I am doing with Pink Baby!
:) Tibby

Moco said...

You are one crazy @$$ dog to get up that early. Do you go to bed at 7 pm?

Sunny,Scooter, (sometimes Jamie) said...

We've missed y'all! Mom is finally letting us try to catch up after being gone for so long.
While we agree the food sounds MUY deliscioso, we too find that to be a BIT early!!

ocmist said...

Gee, that's only about an hour and a half after we've gone to BED! Mom says that her Mom used to get up around 4:30 a.m. when she was little, to make the tortillas for the family when she was little, and she always had Chihuahuas that looked a lot like you.

Mom's been thinking about her Mom all day (she passed away just after 9/11) and this is just another memory to add... She says to thank you for that.

You are just so sweet and I hope that those slackers appreciate your work! OC