Helllllllooooooo my bloggin buds!Did ya miss me??I am finally ungrounded from the puter! Yeah boy!But I do have a bit of bad news. Our camera is broken!! Mom broke it and I say she should be grounded too!Momma: Wait a minute there big boy; you're still treading on pretty thin ice buddy.Oops sorry mom, I love you and you're the best mom ever and stuff.Anyhoo, everybody was REALLY close to getting the answers right on Lilly's stupid quiz.Actually, that first pic (of the T-shirt) was dad's idea. This time of year Paris refuses to wear anything other than her polka-dotted pink summer tankini. And dad use to like to watch Sanford and Son, so when he calls me a big dummy, I know he is saying it out of love.All I have is a few old pics of myself till we get our camera up and running.

Mom and dad have decided not to put up a privacy fence. Mom says she refuses to pay $1600 for only one side of the fence. Instead dad is gonna put an addition to that part of the fence where I can't jump up to bite any body. We'll have to show you pics when it's done (Assuming we have a camera!!)
Mom did rig up a chain right where my head would go if I tried to jump and bite somebody that runs at the top of the fence about 2o feet lengthwise. BUT.....our doggy door is still locked for now :(
Glad to be back, I missed you guys!