Saturday, May 2, 2009

Little Known Facts About AireRuby

Happy Saturday!! Has everyone recovered from Myrna & Gilbert's wedding? Wasn't it spectacular! ?!

Muy thanks goes to our lovely pilot, Miss Ruby Bleu for letting us hitch a ride in her totally pawesome airplane.

Being the co-pilot of this wondrous craft, I thought I might let you in on some aspects of Aireruby that are not too well known.

First off, it can float if it has too!

Yep, it was designed with every possible situation in mind!

Next off, speaking of water, it has THE most relaxing jacuzzi. Ruby & I like to chill out here

after we've had a long day of flying.

Next, it has a couple of business meeting spaces that aren't used a whole lot, since we are usually flying for fun. This is my fave:

I like it because it is so cozy.

And this is the honeymoon suite. I think it speaks for itself. Hubbahubba

Here is the bar. My favorite concoction: The Rubytini.And here is the cozy little dining area:

And this little area is where doggies can take there treatsies and be by themselves. For those of you who get a little growly cause you think someone is always gonna take your chew hoof - PARIS!

BONUS: here's a pic of me when my darling had to go to the little girlpup's room and I made a wrong turn and we ending up in New Zealand instead of Vienna!

OOPS!! Talk about being embarrassed!

And here's a not so unknown fact about AireRuby:

The pilot is Smokin' HOT!!



Wow, what a plane. We concur, the pilot is smoking hot. You better watch out Mack you could burn a paw.

Essex & Deacon

Gus, Louie and Callie said...

Wow that is one great plane/yacht..
We sure would like to go in a ride with you sometime...
Ruby is smokin Hot..

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie

Asta said...

You awe one lucky guy to have such a gowgeous and talented Giwl love you. she is amazing ! The plane is pwobably the most luxoowious one in the wowld..cewtainly the most bootiful cause Ruby designed it.
I've nevew been in the business section ,ow the honeymoon suite, but have loooved the jacoozi and the dwinkies and sumptious meals in such uttew comfowt.
Thank you bof fow flying us
smoochie kisses

Mason Dixie said...

That is one hot pilot for sure. =) and what an awesome flight.

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...






Lorenza said...

Hi, Mack!
AirRuby plane is amazing!
I have been flying in it sometimes but there are areas I did not know!
Thanks for telling us about them!
Glad you all had a pawesome time!
Kisses and hugs

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

What an awesome plane- it has everything and more - it has MACK!!!!!

Woos, the OP Pack

Life With Dogs said...

I bet you won't find Joe Biden there ;)

Duke said...

Wow! We didn't know those secret room existed on AireRuby, Mack! Thanks for letting us know! *wink wink*

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Sprite, the odd dog. said...

cool hat!

Dexter said...

Thanks for that most informative tour of aire ruby. And yes, the pilot is smokin hot!


Sprite, the odd dog. said...

Hiya Buddy! No - Meelo is my Grandma's dog, but he is with us so much its like he is my brother. Shhh don't tell, but I heard The Girl talking about a new pee-you-pee-pee-why coming in 2 weeks. Not sure how I feel about this.

Zeus said...

Wow, I had no idea AireRuby had such luxuries, but it makes sense since Ruby is a pretty classy lady. My only concern is how much gas the craft uses. It must be a lot considering everything inside! :)

Anonymous said...

Where do I sign up??? I wanna fly on AireRuby toooooo. LOL Love it!

Ruby Bleu said...

Mack you never have to apologize...especially since we needed to head down under to get the Leuradales anyway - thank dogness tho.

I'm thinking of converting the meeting rooms to be more lounges...they really are a waste of space don't you think!

Thanks for being my co-pilot!

Lots of Licks, your Ruby

Moco said...

We so totally agree with you. That Ruby has the best plane and is the best pilot ever.

Simba and Jazzi said...

We are busy catching up with everyone after our weekend away.

Simba and Jazzi xxxx