Saturday, November 1, 2008

Happy Birthday to ME!!

Hello everybody!!

Paris Rain here!!

Today I am officially two years old! I got the SWEETEST package from my boyfriend Stanislaw.

The first thing I saw was this oh-so-handsome photo. I had to lick it all over!Lilly was all like "OMD, he is one hot tamale!"

Do you see my charm? It is the EIFFEL TOWER! in PARIS!Stani is just the best shopper ever!

And look at these stuffies: (The card says I can share the BULLY STICKS!) (But I'm not)

Stani think's I am his yellow rose of Texas!And look at this!! This is my own personal cell phone. Stani had already programmed his number in there. Here I am calling him to thank him for the wonderful goodies!

I am having the bestest birthday thanks to the bestest cocker boy in all the world!


The Musketeers said...


Beckett said...

Happy birthday! Those sure are great gifts from Stanislaw.


The Musketeers said...

Ask your human to hold you in the water , letting your feet peddle against the water . Then do it for a few time , slowly toss your favorite toy into the water to retrieve it & by doing this for a couple of time you will get use to it & start liking water (:
Good Luck Mack ! :D

Lots of Smoochies ,
Three Musketeers

Asta said...


That is soo cool of Youw Stani to send you those gweat pwessies..I hope you have an inexpensive calling plan, cause I'm suwe you will be using that phone a lot. you look pawticoolawly lovely..Ihope you have a gweatday!!
smoochie kisses

Moco said...

Happy Birthday Paris,
You got a lot of really nice gifts. That man of yours is quite thoughtful. I hope you are saving some cake and ice cream for the rest of us.

Eduardo said...

Happy Birthday to you! Your one lucky girl Paris!
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle

Sunny,Scooter, (sometimes Jamie) said...

Happy Burpday Paris!!! And you are a lucky girl to have such a sweet boyfriend. (Mom wants to know where he found the yellow rose toy!!)
Have a great burpday!!

Joe Stains said...

Happy Barkday, you have a super great boyfriend!!

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Happy Barkday!

What great pressies fur such a pretty girrrrrl!!


Chef said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Paris! How exciting to get such cool presents from your boyfriend! Your own cell phone - how lucky you are!


Fran said...

Happy Birthday Paris! You are a lucky girl!

Frannycakes & Weezie

Charlie Daniels said...

Happy Birthday Paris !!!! :-)



Duke said...

Happy birthday, Paris! Stan sure sent you some sweet gifts!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Lacy said...

w00f's Paris, Lilly, and Mack...happy barkday Paris, hope u gots lots of treats and Pressies (those from stanis looks pawsome)..and u has many many more barkdays..

b safe,


Glad you had a pawsome barkday.

Essex & Deacon

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday miss Paris Raines! Stani is such a sweet guy to send you all that stuff! It looks like you had a really great birthday! And Stani is a good-lookin' boyfriend, btw.

Also, tell your mom that I tried to call her like 3 times today and she never answered. Why didn't you answer, Miss Raines?!?

~cousin Katie

Lorenza said...

Happy Birthday Paris!
I can see you had a great time celebrating your big day!
Stan sent you pawesome presents!
Kisses and hugs

Mango the Maltese kiddo said...

Happy Barkday, Paris!
I loved nice pressies that you have/
I love your title up there, so cleverly funny: leave me a MESSage, haha!
Please come to my blog to share my double dating story and to look at another yellow rose of Texas.

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Saw ur link on Asta's bloggie...just had to drop by to wish you the Happiest Barkday everest!!!!

Pleased to meet ya!

Barks and Birthday kissies...

Scruffy, Lacie and Babystan!

Poppy said...

Happy Birthday, Paris!!!!! I hope you have fun playing with all your new toys and treats!


BrandytheGreat said...

Happy Birthday! Wow, u sure got nice pressies!

Stanislaw said...

Happy Birthday my lovely Paris!
I apologize for my belated comment on your blog. My auntie is visiting me and I've been away from my computer.

I'm so glad you love your presents! I've been holding onto those for months for you and couldn't wait to send them. Mom even let me hold the stuffies for a bit to get my beastly smell on them just for you!

Hope you had a fabulous day. And hey... call me sometime on that stuffy!

Gus, Louie and Callie said...

Happy Birthday Paris. That Stani is a real smoozer to send you that yellow rose and the cell phone WITH his number in it..

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie

Murphy Dogg said...

Hey Paris,
Happy Birthday, girl! Hope your big bro didn't pester you too much on your big day!
Murphy Dogg

Ruby Bleu said...

Happy Barkday Paris...your Stanni must love you very much!

Lots of Licks, Ruby

i said...

Happy birthday Paris! It's so sweet of Stani to send you such lovely pressies!

Girl Girl Hamster said...

Happy Birthday to you Paris Rain and what pawsome gifts from your boyfriend

~ Girl girl

The Puppies said...

Great gifts Paris!!
We share a birthday!! So happy belated Birthday Paris!!!
Marshall (and Maggie and Opal)

Amber-Mae said...

Happy Barkday pretty Paris! You finally got to open your box of pressie! Wooow! Nice stuff you got there & the yellow stuffie rose is nice.

Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer

Petra said...

Happy Birthday to YOU, Miss Paris Rains! Your birthday couldn't have been any better, could it?!

That cell phone is certainly going to come in handy!

♥Mona + Prissy + Angel Weenie♥ said...

Hi Mackie, Paris & Lilly,

First off, happy belated birthday Paris!! Your boyfriend is almost as handsome as my Snowy.

Is there any chance your Mommy & Daddy might come to the Woofstock event Saturday Nov 8th in Clear Lake. There are gonna be a lot of rescue groups there & me and the Mommy are gonna go and help out. We found out that they are gonna have a costume contest so I'm gonna go in my princess dress or my bikini...not sure which on yet.

LOve ya...Mona & the Mommy too@@

Myeo said...

You are so lucky! Stani is a great boyfriend. he sure knows how to choose the best gifts.

Happy Birthday, Paris!!!!

Boy n Baby

FleasGang said...

HapPY bElaTed BarKdAY Paris!! Although I'm a little jealous that you & Stani are an item. But I think his brother Big Pupi is cute too (I luv his punk mohawk). So maybe I'll work on him ;-)

cocker tail wags,

Gus, Louie and Callie said...

thanks for the great vibes. Callie is doing well and will be home tomorrow..

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie

The Musketeers said...

BOL ! Yeah ! Same sentiment ! Sharing is no fun at all !

Lots of Love ,

Islay said...

Happy Happy Birthday! Looks like you got some really nice pressies!

licks & slobbers

Gus, Louie and Callie said...

Mom makes sure we are very careful with the zipper..

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie

Juno said...

Happy Barkday Paris!!! You and Stanislaw is a good match. A very cute couple!

Happy belated barkday, mom!! Your mom's barkday is a day before our mom's and she was born a LOOOOG ago!(As a matter of fact, they are almost same age!) :)

Momo & Pinot

The Musketeers said...

We love to see our friends smile too (:

Lots of Loves ,
Three Musketeers

Emily and Ike said...

What a pawesome boyfriend!

Gus, Louie and Callie said...

We can't figure out what Louie's obsession is with Sam. As you can see she is a lot bigger and she doesn't really want to play with him although he is always teasing her..
We decided he just likes bit women..

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie

duo_disaster said...

Happy Belated Barkday to you Paris!
Will you be my GF too? *winks* Lol!

P/S: Dont mind if we link you to us?

Turbo Tails,
Goofy & Rudolf