It's so boring around here...
We don't like worrying about hurricanes and at this moment in time none are near our house!
We are saying a little prayer for those who are in Hanna or Ike's path. Go away you mean and evil hurricanes!
Today mom said she could feel fall in the air and that is always good. We took the day off from our normally hectic schedule to enjoy the sunshine, count our blessings and do stuff like that.
TGIF .... well it's Friday here already :-)
We agree Mack!! Go away you old storms!!!! We enjoyed today's weather up hre too. It was nearly chilly yesterday! I think we're through with the 100's. Yay. And yay for Friday.
What a day!!
I'm worn out too!!!
Hi, Mack!
I hope all those storms go away soon!
Here is raining a lot now!
Yes, it is almost friday! Hurray!
Kisses and hugs
You got a nice golden tan Miss Paris! Enjoy that sun shine. It's been pouring non-stop here in Beastville.
We like it boring too! Enjoy your sunshine and warmth for now!
It's already Friday here waaa hoooo.
Hope you have a good weekend.
Noah Willow Tess Lucy
Fall is a wonderful time of year. We love when the trees turn and the weather gets a chill. I am glad to see that you and Paris are able to take over a chair.
good to hear the news..
btw.. i have an award for u
Oh Hurricanes, why do you have to be so mean? Is it the hoomans who caused you to be so angry? I know we doggies are the innocent ones & so are the other animals on Earth. Please don't hurt our friends.
I wish I could talk to the storm pawsonally...
Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer
TGIF! I'm so happy it's Friday as that means LS will be spending the whole weekend with me!
Keeping paws crossed those nasty hurricanes are out of everyone's way.
You two looked so sweet chilling out together on the couch!
Have a great weekend now!
Its always nice to make the most of sunny days.
Simba x
It's already Friday over at my side. ;) Have a pawsome weekend you doggies
~ Girl girl
Yes.. go away nasty hurricanes indeed. Just this morning I was bemaoning the fact that we are set to get a months worth of rain over the next few days - in fact it's started already - then i remembered that our storms are nothing in comparison to the destruction and misery these nasty hurricanes are causing and i thanked my lucky stars instead.
It's getting cold here now, it's Autumn but first thing on a morning it feels like winter. Its all good though, the colder it gets then the more excuses i have for snuggles!
Have a wonderful weekend.
Ben xxxx
Hey Mack..
Well your comment at my place is ironic.. because (did i ever tell you this??) Since meeting you and Joey and Tanner Mum has developed a very big obsession with Boston Terriers. She has searched every rescue in the country and even resorted to looking for breeders.. all, sadly to no avail.. in fact, she has gone on and on about it so much she offends me at times! I mean.. am i not good enough or something.. its MackyPoo this and MackyPoo that!!
But i see a solution...
straight swap.. you get your sweet butt over here and i will get my large ass over there!
How soon does your Mom want me? I figure I can be there by lunchtime tomorrow. Any excuse to get away from the UK (aka: Utterly Krap)
Paris living there has nothing to do with this... I swear!!
I'm packing as we speak..
Big Rotti Smooochies to you Momma
Ben xxxx
I see two very special blessings named Mack and Paris, and I'll bet your mom tells you that every day!
Hehehe Mack, your eyes are soo dramatic. I always wonder what's going on just out of frame in every picture of you. :]
You're a very expressive pup!
Yeah--we are reading yesterday's post today and it is FRIDAY! We love the weekend! And your Mom is right, it is feeling a little bit fallish...
Ozzie & Rocky
Mack-Attack! It's been pretty boring here too, although we've gotten a lot of the left over rain from Gustav.... So much of it, in fact, that nasty brother of mine poo'd in the house cause he didn't want to get his feet wet. Geesh.
Go chocoate!
Oh I wish it were boring around here.... well, after today I don't mind interesting. I had my 'date' today and it was great!!! Mom says I can have another one tomorrow after the agility trial.
Trouble is, Hanna is moving up our way and it's already raining a lot tonight. If it's too bad Mom won't take me to the trials tomorrow. I hope that doesn't mean I can't go to my 'date' too! If it floods the road I sure won't be able to.
(hey, love your 'tuxedo' coloring! You do look sharp!)
Hi Mack and Paris,
I am sooooooo ready for the fall to come too!!
Just wanted ya to know that we did our kitty cat post last night and used one of your kitty cat pictures. Hope ya approve. Come over & try to guess who goes with who. You already know one cat.
Love ... Mona & the Mommy
Mr. Mackster, sneak over to my bloggie, I gave you a pawesome award!!
We're having a hard time catching up with all the blogs since coming back from our vacation! Gosh, it's been a whole week already!
We're getting the remnants of hurricane Hanna tonight! The rain has started already! UGH!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Mack, your not sleeping next to Paris are you? What is up with that?
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Boring is good at times. Oh Shelby says to say Hi to the lovely Ming. Puke Puke.
Hey Mack,
We got Hanna yesterday here on the East Coast, and apart from having to fight the blowing rain in order to go outside to do my business, it was a lovely lazy loungy day with the Mama and Dad!
Murphy Dogg
Mom is ready for the fall air, too. Not me....I'll just start my shenanigans about not wanting to go outside!
Lucy Lu
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