Saturday, April 12, 2008

The Adventures of Baldo Part II

Look who went to the beauty shop and is now bald-headed again!

Me - well I'm just as handsome as ever. Here I am playing soccer:

Hope everyone is having a great weekend!


Ruby Bleu said...

Oh you are SO good looking my makes my little knees weak.

lots of licks, your Ruby

oh and poor, poor Paris...

Gus, Louie and Callie said...

Wow Paris is so bald but I bet she will be very cool this summer. We know how hot it gets in Texas..

♥Mona + Prissy + Angel Weenie♥ said...

Hi Mack,

I had a wonderful time at the fair. I was the only doggie that would work the kissing booth so me sold lots of kisses today. I am so sleeping me just want to go to bed. But here is a big (((KISS))) just for you.

Your friend .... Mona

Lorenza said...

Hi, Mack!
Does Paris gets haircuts every two months??
Sure she feels fresher now!
You know you are a very handsome boy!
Kisses and hugs

Duke said...

Gosh, Paris gets haircuts as often as we do! We love her cut! I'm sure she feels so much cooler! You're looking as handsome as ever, Mack!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

BenTheRotti said...

Paris looks adorable!!

and yes Mack.. you are just as handsome, if not MORE handsome!!

Ben xxx

Dexter said...

Oh Paris, you look so, uh... NAKED!! Smokin hot!

Slobber kisses,

JB's Big and Small Worlds said...

I think you are both good-looking!

Peanut said...

Paris has no hair. Kind of scary.

Urban Smoothie Read said...

soccer mack... i think u are way better than c. ronaldo...

Willie and Waylon said...

Willie loves to play soccer too!!!

Myeo said...

Paris may be bald but she still look very beautiful. And you look handsome as usual.

Boy n Baby

The Zoo Crew said...

none of us here at the zoo crew get haircuts, so we're not too sure we'd be fond of that! and that blue ball looks kai-sized!!

peace + paws,

Petra said...

Paris is bald and beautiful! Does she like to run around after her hair is gone? And of course, Mack, you are as handsome as ever.

FleasGang said...

Shelly, er uh, I mean Paris is soo beautiful with her new fur-cut. And Mack, you're still handsome as ever :-)

Viva la Revolucion!

The Fleas

Cairo The Boxer said...

How cool! I play soccer too. I love jumping up and heading the ball with my snout.