Monday, March 24, 2008

The Name Says It All

Sisters! Yuck!

Mine certainly lives up to her name!!

She's tall, skinny, BLONDE, doesn't wear undies, has beaucoups of boyfriends. Why can't I have a sweet calm sister like Louie? Please, I'm beggin you guy let's trade okay???

Mango, I'll trade you Dexter for blondie. What'd ya say??


Ruby Bleu said...

And look at the bling on her collar too! My poor Mack...

Lots of Licks, your Ruby

Maeby said...

Wow, Paris really has it going on!

Mack - I love your face in the last picture. You look miserable. Poor thing.

Joe Stains said...

Well they do say that Blondes have more fun!

Bella the Boxer said...

No UNDIES? That's indecent. Pretty soon she'll be making a naughty tape and distributing it on the Internet. Don't get caught in her wily games, Mack!

xoxo - Bella

Moco said...

I can tell you from experience that those cockers can be goofy. They are always listening to a different drummer. Dawson is always walking on me to get where he wants. Sometime you just want to knock them in the noodle.

Lorenza said...

Hi, Mack!
Paris looks like a Diva! Sure its not easy to live with her!
Patience my friend!
Kisses and hugs

Asta said...

Poow Mack
ou do have notty awe so good to put up with all that tweatment fwom them. I hope you get a chance to get spoiled too
smoochie kisses

Girl Girl Hamster said...

Haa Paris does look cute. Are you sure you want to trade her away?

~ Girl girl

Amber-Mae said...

I think Paris is a fun girl! You want to trade her for Dex?

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Myeo said...

This is too funny..haha.

Boy n Baby

Boy: i dont mind trading Baby too

Duke said...

Paris is a superstar, Mack! You need to use her to your advantage! Ruby might not like this bit of advice though!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Huskee and Hershey said...

OK hang in there buddy, I am calling Animal Welfare for you.. you look terrorized in the last pic.

Simba and Jazzi said...

I think your sister looks hot. Can I have her number?

Simba x

Anonymous said...

Come on Mack you know you love Paris, she is a cocker spaniel how could you not love them.
Hugs, Bellyrubs, Smoochies
Pearl, Opal & Nanny

ChaChi Lu said...

I volunteer to switch places with you, MACK! You can come here and live with the princess ChaChi Lu Pink Champagne...


Clover said...

Hi Mack,
Mom and I are laughing about that first picture of Paris. But I am sorry you have to deal with that kind of sister stuff...
Love Clover xo

Petra said...

Hey Mack, you can send her to my house for awhile. We'd love to have her!

JB's Big and Small Worlds said...

I think your sister seems nice....but I suppose all girls named Paris are alike?

Sparky said...

Does Paris bring her friends around for you to tease? Because, that might make the whole thing more worthwhile...just sayin'.

H.A. Turbofire, Sibertarian said...

She's something "special" all right.

The Zoo Crew said...

what a diva! i'm wondering....does she get you in trouble very often? my princess sister, halo, gets me in trouble!

peace + paws,


Dexter said...

Paris, precious, I am there. I will send you one pain in the butt Dexter for your lovely self.

Slobber kisses,

FleasGang said...

We'd be happy to trade you one over-the-hill black Shih Tzu (Scarlett) for Paris. She's get along great with Lily. And to sweeten the pot, we'll throw in a couple squeaky toys :-)

The FleasGang

Hydrocephalus in Pets said...

We can't our family Mack. Your sister is a beauty.

The Lee County Clowder said...

You know, if you wanted, you could annoy a lot of beans.

Just record a video of Paris running around the yard. Then post it on YouTube, titled something like "Paris Nude", or something similar.

You might get banned from YouTube, but you would likely get a whole lot of hits first.

Just a thought.....

Peanut said...

paris is a pretty little thing. Does she really need oodles of boyfriends though?