Monday, March 31, 2008

Guilty Monday Treat #1

We all really, really dislike Mondays around here. Especially me. I've had mom all weekend to hang out with and today she has to go back to her JOB. Mom actually may feel as bad as me. Actually I think she feels a little guilty about leaving us sometimes. She said this was our "Guilty Treat":

COOL! Beef knees for me & Paris and "senior sticks" for Lilliana.


We really didn't do much this weekend. It was either super humid or rainy:

So mostly I just played ball,

Looked for buried treasure,

or fought with Sissy,

I guess I better go. Beef knees are calling my name!


Peanut said...

hmm maybe my mom needs to leave more often so I can get guilty treats. Our weekend was pretty boring too. Did you find anything good under the couch?

Petra said...

Not only do you have strength and poise, Mack, but great intelligence. Just look how you have your mom wrapped around your finger!

I need to take some lessons from you.

Randi said...

Oh my! Knees! I think my mom/secretary may be a big squeemish to feel THAT GUILTY to give me such a fantastically yummy treat...


Love & Licks,

Ruby Bleu said...

I hate Monday's too. Wish we could spend time together...than it wouldn't be so bad, huh!

Lots of Licks, Ruby

Jan said...

We always give mom the sad eyes look when she leaves before we crawl back into bed.

Oh, like you don't crawl back into bed.

Duke said...

Those guilty treats look pretty darn good to us! Enjoy them, Mack! It makes Monday a little bit easier to take!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Amber-Mae said...

Oh my, those beef knees made me droooooooool!

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Ozzie, Rocky and Lola said...

Knees are almost as good as knuckles! Looks like you guyz had a pawsome weekend, in spite of the weather! Those new treats look yummy!
Ozzie & Rocky

Clover said...

Oooh! Beef knees! I would like some of those too, please! Hope you enjoyed them!
Love Clover xo

FleasGang said...

Mmmmmm. Beef knees.

The Fleas

Gus, Louie and Callie said...

We had a wonderful visit with Baby Love. She is growing so fast and seems to be improving with her motor skills. She has figured out how to touch the fence with her front paws so she knows where it is and she doesn't run into it. We think she listens to all that is going on so she can find her way to the fun..

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus and Louie

Emily and Ike said...

I never get guilt treats! I'll take your rain any day - we're supposed to get a foot of snow!

♥Mona + Prissy + Angel Weenie♥ said...

Hey Mack,

those knees sure look tasty. i'm still working on the big bone the Mommy gave me the other day. all the meat on it is gone cut i'm still trying to nah through the bone.

The Mommy took it away from me this morning but i dumped the garbage can in the kitchen over & got it back...hehehe and i hid it before her got home & she can't find ot...hehehe.

love ya Mona

Lorenza said...

Hi, Mack!
I need your advice! How can I make my mom feel guilty about leaving me alone and get one of those yummy beef knees??
Kisses and hugs

i said...

Yummy! How I wish I can make LS feel more guilty too about Mondays. Any good advice would be really appreciated :-)

Joe Stains said...

did you find any buried treasure? how come my mom never gets us guilty presents?

Girl Girl Hamster said...

Snacks sound pawsome on a boring Monday

~ Girl girl

Chips said...

You are just the right size to be successful in treasure hunts. I can only get my paw under the settee and it just pushes things further under.

Simba and Jazzi said...

What yummy looking treats. Almost makes me wish my Mummy had a job.

Simba x

Stanley said...

Mack Man!

That last photo of you has to be one of the most gooberific photos I've seen in awhile. Your googly eyes are CRAZY, man!

What would you like your goober name to be? Huh? Mackoober? Moober? Goobmacker?

Goober love & smooches,

Myeo said...

Your guilty treats looks very good!

Boy n Baby

Dexter said...

Go get 'em Paris!

Chef said...

MMMMM.Your guilty treats are way better than mine. I'm comin' over right now !

xoxo Chef

Weeny&Daisy said...

hmm, we like the sound of this guilt thing, if it get us yummylicious treatsies like that! xxx