Thursday, March 27, 2008

Cousin Sheila

G'day Mate! This post is all about my cousin Sheila Matilda Merle. She's my walking buddy. She is a down-under dog ( an Australia Shepherd). Isn't she pretty?

You can't see it in these pictures, but Sheila has the bluest eyes! She is a red Merle and is 6 years old.

Mom and I go over to Sheila & Katie's & Gwamma's house and then go for our walkie. When she sees me and mom come in the front door she gets so excited and hyper! She knows we're there to do walkies - and that girl is a serious walker!

First, though I like to have a look around Gwamma's house to see if she's left anything out that might be good to eat.

Then I like to go outside and tease the next door neighbor's pitbull and show him who's boss!

Stand back Sheila, I'll protect you!

Then it's on to the walkies. After that I am usually dog-tired (sorry) and I wanna go home and relax:

Man, this is the life!


♥Mona + Prissy + Angel Weenie♥ said...

Hi Mack,

Mona her. Your cousin Sheila is so cute. I gots a human cousin named Sheila. I don't have anybody to go walkie with. The only dog close to me is Spike the potbull dog & I think he wants to eat me.

Love ya lots. Tell Sheila heloo for me...Mona

The Zoo Crew said...

how fun to have a friend to go on walkies with! none around here for us :(

peace + paws,


i said...

G'day mate! Your cousin Sheila is so pretty! Isn't it nice to have maties to go for walkies with?

Lorenza said...

Hi, Mack!
Yes, Sheila is so pretty! And sure is nice to go out for walkies with her! Good job protecting her!
Kisses and hugs

Amber-Mae said...

I think Sheila is bootiful!

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Myeo said...

Sheila is beautiful and we love the colour of her fur.

Boy n Baby

Girl Girl Hamster said...

Sheila sure is very pretty. And you're so brave to pawtect her on walkies

~ Girl girl

Simba and Jazzi said...

What a cute doggie. You are very kind looking out for her.

Simba x

Duke said...

Sheila is a beauty! How nice that you have a friend to walk with!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Martha said...

Sheila is gorgeous! It's so much nicer to have someone to walk with. Love, Martha

Petra said...

Mack, you are a great defender of the weak and helpless, and I'm sure Sheila appreciates the way you protect her from harm and evil.

I wish you lived closer to me because I get scared of bunny rabbits in my yard!

Asta said...

Sheila is bootiful and I'm glad you have such a good walking suwe awe bwave..I bet Ruby is vewy pwoud of you , how you pwotected Sheila..
Have a wondewful weekend, and get some west
smoochie kisses

Moco said...

You are so lucky to have such a great walking buddy. She is a lovely lady.
Take a long nap.

Kyanite said...

Glad you have Sheila for your walking gal! And, as for you standing up the that pit bull - wow! Am sure you'd have been just as brave without the fence!

Havea good w/e!
Pats & pets

Clover said...

Hi Mack!
Your cousin is very beautiful! It's so great that you get to go on walkies together!
I like that sleepy picture of you.
Love Clover xo

Willie and Waylon said...

She is pretty! And what a great walking friend! You are so lucky to have a walking buddy! When we walk, always walk together...we like to discover all of the great areas to sniff out together.

Weeny&Daisy said...

Aww what a pretty doggy! You did a great job of defending her!

Gus, Louie and Callie said...

It sure looks like fun..
Your cousin is related to us. We are Australian Blue Heelers. We don't have the long coat or the pretty blue eyes..

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus and Louie

JB's Big and Small Worlds said...

Cousin Sheila is gorgeous! She has beautiful markings in her furs.

Peanut said...

stella is very pretty