Sunday, February 24, 2008

A Rarity

Well the weather here is absolutely brilliant. And mom says this happens so rarely in our part of Texas we have to take advantage of it when it happens.

Today I have been outside chasing bubbles:

Playing with my racquetball:

Playing with my red ball:

And just generally looking handsome in the sunshine!

Mom wanted me to show you this neat contraption she got for us:

It is called a "Water Dog" and it has a sensor that when it sees us go by, it spits out water!

None of us like to drink directly from it, so mom has a bowl underneath. We love our fresh water!!

Oh look what we got Friday. It was a letter from Wales!:

It was a Valentine from Weeny & Daisy !! Thanks guys!!

Speaking of V-Day, I have been thoroughly enjoying all my other cards (still!) and my presents from Ruby:

Those strawberry stuffies were so much fun!

Well all that playing outside and de-stuffing toys has left me utterly exhausted. Time for a nappy-poo!


Ruby Bleu said...

Oh Macky...we were destined for one another...wait till you see my strawberries...I'll post them tomorrow---hee hee hee!!!

I wish I could have played with you's raining here! I'd also love to nappy nap with you too!

Lots of Licks, your Ruby

Anonymous said...


I saw Animal Planet this morning and all those cute Bostons.

Maybe, just maybe we can talk Ruby in getting me one for my Barkday


Lorenza said...

Hi, Mack!
glad you had a greatday to be outside playing and having fun!
I can see you are good on the destroying toys department!
Kisses and hugs

Poppy said...

That is a lovely picture of you in the clover!


The Brat Pack said...

You are certainly dashing!!


Anonymous said...

Bubble chasing is great fun - and you are looking mighty handsome in that sunshine too!


Dexter said...

You look great out there sun baking. Your new water bubbler rocks.

I like playing with the soap bubbles too (but I don't make cracker dog face like you did, eyieee!)

Amber-Mae said...

Oh Mack, you are sooo handsome! Hey, that water thingy is sooo kewl. I'd prefer drinking from a running water to drinking from a bowl, anytime! That's a nice card & toys from your friends.

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Myeo said...


That water thing is super cool! Imagine having free flow of fresh water all the time..WOW

Boy n Baby

Duke said...

That Water Dog is very cool! I think we need to ask for one of those too!
We're not sure by the look on your face, Mack, that you enjoyed those bubbles!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Marvin -The Hollow Hound said...

You look so handsome and extra jowly in the last pic!

Looks fun where you are!

I like your water contraption. very cool love and licks, Marvin xxxxx

Petra said...

It looks like you took full advantage of the nice day. I especially like the first picture of you chasing the bubles!

Asta said...

What a glowious day! I love youw clevew watew thingy..and i undewstand about being exhausted fwom all that destuffing..I hope you had a gweat nappie!
smoochie kisses

Weeny&Daisy said...

Hooray! We are so happy that you like the card! The bubbles look so much fun, and that water thingy is a great idea! :D You look so handsome playing in the Grass, Ruby must be so happy to have met you :D

Love Weeny and Daisy xx xx

Gus, Louie and Callie said...

Yes we had a great weekend too. We went to the lake both days and then we were such good boys when we got home. We both took nice long naps. Mom was so proud of us..

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus and Louie

Dexter said...

Precious Paris,
I don't currently have any special gal pals as, ahem, vertically challenged as you, but I'm up for new adventures. Be sure to let your brother post some nice glamour shots of you.

Slobber kisses,

Urban Smoothie Read said...

is nothing better than having a pleasant weather for some offleash walkie

Hammer said...

Hi Mack
I'm glad you are having sunshine. February has been the wettest ever recorded month where we live. Also bad snakes are out and worse than ever. So we haven't been outside a lot lately.
I love destroying stuffies too. Mum mends them for me and there is a line up.
You sure are handsome, Mack. No wonder you're a movie star and Ruby is smitten.
Love from Hammer

Crikit, Sparky, Ginger! said...

Yup the sudden beeutiful weather was pawsome! Hey your water thingy look pawsome. Mommy says she thinks we should get one too. We think it would be better then the fountain she wants to install fur our water bowl so fess up where'd did you get it?

Love licks & waggin Tx tails

Peanut said...

That water thing is neat. I would be over there all the time drinking from it. I like to drink directly from the thing outside