First off a great big huge THANK YOU is in order to everybody that pawticipated in my comment-a-thon. You are awesome!
And secondly, ladies, please there is enough of the Mackman to go around. Flattery will get you nowhere - but I do hope you'll keep trying!
And thirdly a special shout out goes to my special fraulein -- you know who you are!

Also, I would like to keep you abreast of all the upcoming excitement happening in the near future over at Mack's Mess.
It's gonna be a whopper of a Fall (granted we don't get any hurrycanes).
Next Sunday night I will be hosting the first Boston Butt club. We will discuss the joys of being a BT and also the downside to being so precious. We will have a fashion show for the ladies, hosted by Kitty, and for the guys we will have a raffle for a weather resistant polyurethane fire hydrant.
You do NOT have to be a BT to attend! (But everyone must sign a waiver that releases me from all damages caused by any BT zoomies that may occur)
Then, in a couple of weeks Lilly will be performing at the Tropicana Supper Club.

In October Lilly's brother-in-law Victor (below) will be visiting. Join us as we celebrate their happy reunion - they haven't seen each other in 107 years!

And lastly, Paris Rain will be opening up a charm school/fish restaurant. (If the bank says yes). Send your unruly teenager to Paris Rain and she will come home a southern belle and wonderful fry cook.
So stay tuned!