Tuesday, November 30, 2010

It's That Time of the Month!

And we love it! It's our HW prevention day! I get the Big Boy dose:

And the girls get the smaller dose.

But do Yorkies really get to 25 pounds? Well I guess if a Boston can be 30 lbs. (ME!) then there must be some ample Yorkies out there! (PS: Mine is ALL muscle)

And we got TWO awards! WoOt! One is from Miss Cocorue:

and the other is from Ruthie!

We pass them to all bloggies who haven't got 'em yet!
THANK YOU so much ladies!

And here are some oldies but goodies !

See ya!

Monday, November 29, 2010

She Keeps Using That Word

I'm sure it means manly, handsome and well-behaved....
Do your pawrents ever use this word to describe you? It's a compliment, right?

Sunday, November 28, 2010

This N That

My mom is all whiny cause tomorrow she has to go back to work and it's Monday and blah blah blah. What is wrong with her??
Dad is off tomorrow so that means a snooze or two with him on my sofa. I really enjoy those.

Anyhowl, mom helped a friend of hers out the other day by puppy sitting her doggies while she & her kids went to visit her mom. Here's some pics of Angel, the red headed, blue-eyed Sibey:

She woo wooed like a pro!

In other exciting news (yawn), my mom found this dog bed on sale for $7 and couldn't resist.

Dad is wondering if it will last out the week. Can you believe that?

I told dad to hush cause Lilly's feeling's will be hurt.

Yikes, I gotta go hide; I hear mom saying something about a bath!

Oh and THANK YOU MFT for reminding us about Blueberry's auction! There are some SUPER cool items up for bid!

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Beginning to Smell a Lot Like Christmas

Did everybody get lots of turkey???!! We got NONE. Zero.Zilch. I hope our Christmas is better. Speaking of which, we are playin along with Frankie's Shop Til You Drop Shopping Spree......

And this is what we would LOVE to get our peeps for Christmas:

A One Million Dollar gift card from PetSmart!!! That means we're set for life and a never-ending supply of bully sticks to all our bloggy pals! Cool huh?


Mom finally got around to making our Christmas cards, and here are the "outtakes":

Cocker ear...

Cocker head


Handsome extreme close-up

How did YOU celebrate turkey day?

Thursday, November 25, 2010

The Story of Me

Lilliana here! Thanks so much for all the nice comments! And yes I am 17 years old. But I didn't go to live with my peeps till I was 10! See my madre had just come back home after living in Oklahoma for 4 years. She wasn't working so her and cuzzin Katie were volunteering at the local SPCA. She saw me and the rest is history....almost. Mom called up the Chihuahua rescue group and then offered to foster me until I found my furrever home. Perspective Lilly parents would ask, "is she good with kids"?...Mom said NO..."Is she good with cats?"....NO...."Is she quiet?"...NO..."Is she healthy?".....NO..(I was heartworm positive at the time). You get the picture. So mom kept on fostering me...and saying NO! I was treated for my heartwormies and kennel cough and I got stronger. Well nobody has asked about me since and mom said what the heck, she's mine now!! Not much is really known about my earlier life except I used to live in an apartment complex and kept running away. Well one day my peeps never did come for me.....and here I stay!

I hope everybody has a wonderful, relaxing, blessed Thanksgiving Day. And here's your first turkey for today:

Create cool Profile Comments

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Feed Me NOW

Is everybody gearing up for Turkey Day? Mom is still helping us with our adopteration stories and we're still trying to figure out what else we should put on her Christmas list!!

Anyhoo, we have a LOT to be thankful for around here. Mom says she's thankful that Lilly is still fiesty at 17. Here's proof:

Please forgive the messy room...it is Dad's Man Cave and a cave can't be too tidy right? !!

Monday, November 22, 2010

Explain...Por Favor

Have you heard lately about all this "Don't Ask, Don't Toot" stuff? I can't understand it. If somebody asked me if I tooted, dang if I'm not gonna be proud of it. And, heck even if nobody asks me, I'm gonna tell the world I cut one loose! Humans are really strange, with all the things they think up to worry about.

And another thing, why do these peas taste so darned delicious? (Miss Thing won't eat them, but that just goes to show you). I mean we won't eat Wallymelon, or apples or sweet taters but we love frozen peas. I just don't understand it.

And we are saying some special prayers and crossing our dewclaws for a couple of our great blogging buddies:
MangoMan who recently had another seizure (hopefully his LAST EVER!)

And Shelby, who just started her heartworm treatment today:

We just KNOW these two are gonna be A-OK!! We love you guys!!!

And to help Mango feel better, Paris sends him some Cheesecake :

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Don't Forget.....And us Eating Treats

Don't forget your Jimmy D shirt! Mom's arrived yesterday and she loves it. You can read all about Jimmy's journey and help with his vet bills by clicking here. That dude is one brave pibble!

Anyhoo, today mom was being so stingey with the treats (Obviously not her treats). Look how pitifully thin and sad I look from lack of treatsies:

Finally she gave in and for some reason she made a movie of it. Lilly always gets her treats first (!!!) so she was in the background chowin down:

Okay, that'll do for a few minutes!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

How Do You Feel about Thursdays?

My mom is not too fond of them. I don't really understand why. Something about it gets in the way of Friday and it makes the work week too long. Oftentimes she will go to her favorite websites for a pick me up on days like today. And when she found this she really let out a squee. She is partial to all things lamby, since (she says) she used to have an Aussie (who never herd anything). But anyways, we hope you like this:


Remember, tomorrow is TGIF!!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Lilly Did It!

Why does mom keep singing this CRAZY song: "Mack ain't getting nothing fer Christmas...cause Mack ain't been nothing but bad"...?? It's really starting to scare me, dang it. And ya know what? Our sofa looks like a big stuffy, so who can blame me for doing what I did?? Mom wanted a new sofa anyways....

In happier news, mom found these on the Interwebs while she was at work loafing:

ChChCh Chia!

I can SO see my mom writing this note!

How is your week going so far?

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Search & Destroy

Mom thinks she's so clever hiding toys in a spare bedroom. Woman should know I go straight to them and tear em up asap!!
Here she thinks she's being cute - or something

Gimme!! All squeakers belong to the Mackman!

And P(ee)S: We just found out about another raffle to benefit JimmyDurante, Shelby & some KUTE puppies. It's only $2 a ticket and if everybody in DWblogland buys just 1 ticket - these puppers in need are gonna be smiling from ear to ear! Go here to win a Konger. And tell 'em Mack sent ya!

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Well Duh!

Lilly's old as Methuselah:

Paris is the laziest cocker ever born:

My nickname should be Mr. Handsome:

And JD & Max are the most generous doggies ever!
Common knowledge right???!

These two schnauzerdudes are having a raffle for some super neat stuff - with all proceeds going to help Miss Shelby!! (Who, BTW is strong enough to withstand heartworm treatment! WoOt!)
Anyhowl, it is only $2 a ticket and you can even buy tickets for your friends!!!
Here is the lick (I mean link)

We bought some tickets for a floofy tail friend of ours whose mom is always helping pooches in need find their forever home. Can you guess who is the owner of this most fluffulous tail?

And we would also like to say THANK YOU to our pals, Two Pitties in the City, for all the cool ideas they give mom, one of which is this super product, (mom says we have to use it cause we stink):

Mom got it from Petco - and we like it cause it's hypoallergenic and it leaves our skin soft and smooth. And the smell is outta this world.

And look at this super cool postcard we got from Legacy Boxer Rescue:
Isn't this boxermess the cutest thing ever? Thanks Miss Maggie Mae for telling us about Legacy!

Have a great Sunday!

Thursday, November 4, 2010


Pink is the new gray ..... haven't you heard.....?

Monday, November 1, 2010

We're Gonna Party Like......

It's My Birfday!

I'm 4 years old today!