And I don't mean the wet stuff that falls from heaven. Paris actually thought I kidnapped her "baby"!??!!...I was just babysitting...sure, that's it. I figured she needed some help with her mothering duties. Wow, she is a strange one. Plus I taught Chloe some of my Mackman trade secrets and now she is an honorary BT.
Anyhoo, I have to tell you about this GREAT award I got. It's from Miss Molly! It says I am a versatile blogger! Wow - thank you Miss Molly!! The rules state I have to share 7 things about me and then pass the award on. Hmm. Ok here goes:
1. I don't like water. Does any BT out there? I think if we were meant for water we would have been given longer legs. And longer noses.2. Given the chance, I like to sleep under the covers, or a bwankie if mom kicks me off the bed.
3. Dad's nickname for me is "Tubby", but he should know by now, it's all muscle.
4. Mom started wanting a BT when she babysat my neighbor, Minnie (who was 8 pounds and loved to cuddle). 5. I suck at online games (Prolly the no thumbs thing)
6. I am a momma's boy but I don't want anybody (especially my Ruby) to know about it. Dang it, the cats outta the bag!7. I was suppose to be a boxer. Mom was gonna give Dad a boxer for his birthday, but she couldn't find any in our area for sale at the time. So here I am!
I would like to pass along this award to my bloggy pals that I haven't heard from in a while, and I really do miss them:1.Petra Pot Pie - Remember when I first started calling you that?? You were no bigger than a Marie Calendar's.
2. Martha - I know another BT that misses you too.3. Tito - Another BT I miss hearing from
4. Murphy - Yet another BT on the most wanted list. I sure hope his 'rents are doing okay, cause they are some super punk people!5. BP & Stanislaw -Paris gets excited whenever she hears from you.
6. Ben - The Rottie. I know we all miss this gentle giant a lot7. Oscar, Tucker & Tinkerbell - Hope you guys are alright. We would love to hear from you.
8. Archie - One of the best bully boys you're gonna find anywhere.9. Hector & Lola - I think they went out of business. (Bloggy speaking, of course)
10. Cooper - Still another BT11. Maggie & Opal - I hope it's just that they are busy with their new baby brother.
12. Sunny & Scooter - Let us know when you get all settled in, K?
13. Cairo - Hopefully you are busy with your new babysitter responsibilities too.
14. Bella - Another Boxermess who I miss. (I think she also has been busy with a new two legger)
15. Cricket,Sparky and Ginger - Hope all is well for these poochies too!
**********Guys, if you are reading this - give us a shout !!**************
And here's some pics for your entertainment:

You think her eyes look evil -well, they ain't got nothing' on her breath

The Mackman

Her majesty sunning herself
Have a great weekend every doggie!