We are so proud of our awards we got this week!
The first one is from the Houston Pittie Pack:

The rules state we must pass these on to three of our blogging buddies, so here goes:
1. Hector & Lola
2. Mack & Sally Ann
3. Coccorue
And our second award was from another of our bully friends, Benny & Lilly.
(We love cupcakes almost as much as getting awards!) Thanks my Frenchie friends!

1. Treatsies
2. Days momma has off
3. Sunny days (I kinda forgot what that's all about...)
4. Eating Juana's food she throws on the floor
5. Walkies!
6. Pooping in the house
7. Chasing my red laser light
8. Chasing evil squirrels
9. When momma opens the baby gate to the bedrooms
10. Ruby Bleu!!!!
Now I pass this most distinguished award to:
1. Hailey
2. Deacon
3. Marley
4. Merdie
5. Auntie Penny
6. Josie (Who I hope starts a bloggy real soon)
7. Trixie
8. My soon-to-be mother-in-law (dewclaws crossed), Michele
9. Happy
10. Sammi
Nothing new here; it's as boring as usual. We did have an ordeal with our chair that eats Juana's food. It's amazing how hungry that dang thing is:
TGIF everybody!