And while she was getting nakefied I was doing this:
Do you recognize that little cutie? (Not me - the other cutie)
That's none other than Mona! We went to Paws in the Park in a nearby city and it was pawsome! It was a benefit for the city's dog shelters. But we went especially to visit our little blogging weinerschnitzel friend and her momma. Wow she was such a sweet girl. And you'll never believe this - but I actually behaved! (For the most part). I even gave Mona's Mommy some sugars! Mom couldn't believe it!
It was super windy so we didn't stay long.
The above pic is me getting cold. I was sitting with the DROH both and actually was kinda nice to the daschies! Well at least I didn't bite any of them!
Mona was an angel the whole time. While I wouldn't pose very good for Mona's mommy, Mona was all about getting her pic taken:
Here's me right before I took a long nap in the front seat on the way home.
And where was Tia Lilly you may ask?
She was at home babysitting Juanita. In that pic she is yelling at her (she's our cockatoo) about getting her bird seed all over the floor. But then right after that she ate every piece that was dropped!
She's got that whole "I am totally innocent" look down pat!
So how is your weekend going?