From Momma's little turkey!!
Our dad is on a business trip and will be gone TWO WEEKS! Dad - if you are reading this - we miss you!!! And yes, of course, we are being good!
The first thing I saw was this oh-so-handsome photo. I had to lick it all over!
Lilly was all like "OMD, he is one hot tamale!"
Do you see my charm? It is the EIFFEL TOWER! in PARIS!Stani is just the best shopper ever!
And look at these stuffies: (The card says I can share the BULLY STICKS!) (But I'm not)
Stani think's I am his yellow rose of Texas!
And look at this!! This is my own personal cell phone. Stani had already programmed his number in there. Here I am calling him to thank him for the wonderful goodies!
I am having the bestest birthday thanks to the bestest cocker boy in all the world!