How can they blame this face?

How can they blame this face?
Hope you are having a great weekend!
And when I saw this sign,
I got REALLY worried.....
But when I saw this sign just a few yards down,
(Note my cute cookies n cream neck)
Here's Paris. She actually behaved in the car for the first time ever:
So we went on home cause I was getting tired and panting a lot. (Even though I din't want any water)
Lilly still thinks she owns the place, but what else is new?!
Well today is our dad's 301st birthday! That's right - he's 43 in human years!
Happy Birthday!!! We all got to have a piece of Dad's cake. It was a pineapple butter cake made especially by Mom!
Mom couldn't take very good pictures of us enjoying our cake 'cause we eat so darned fast!
El Bandito (AKA Lilly)
Me - well I'm just as handsome as ever. Here I am playing soccer:
Denta Stix for Lilly,
And smoked beef ribs for Paris and I.
**OH WAIT** I forgot. It's Pawty Time!! YIKES, Aire Ruby is gonna be here any second to take us to Asta's Welcome Home Pawty! REMEMBER: Don't tell you know who about her surprise birthday party! I gotta go! Aire Ruby is landing on my front lawn.....BYE!!!!!!!!!
Have a great Sunday!