Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Monday, February 25, 2008

I know it is very tempting to want to keep me, but please don't.
You see, my dear old mom would be heart broken, 'cause I am
the light of her world. As you can see I am sooo handsome, loving
and an all around fantastic animal, but please return me, OK?"
Mom laughed and said something under her breath and then said
Also, mom ordered me a stuffy WITHOUT A SQUEAKER!! (From Murphy's store) Mom has been looking high and low for toys without squeakers. Sweet!
I can't let another sissy steal my thunder again, so here's me about 10 collars ago:
Sunday, February 24, 2008
A Rarity
Playing with my racquetball:
Playing with my red ball:
Mom wanted me to show you this neat contraption she got for us:
Oh look what we got Friday. It was a letter from Wales!:
It was a Valentine from Weeny & Daisy !! Thanks guys!!
Speaking of V-Day, I have been thoroughly enjoying all my other cards (still!) and my presents from Ruby:
Those strawberry stuffies were so much fun!
Saturday, February 23, 2008
Happy Jowlurday
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Bore Dumb
Yeah, she is pretty and all, but between her language and that breath of hers, sometimes she drives me crazy!
Any advice on how to treat an annoying sibling? Cause mom gets mad when I do this to her:
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
This and That
My dad is loving that calendar!!
I can't decide on what to use my coupon for. Will you guys help me??
It's either the Biohazard T-shirt:

Mom is kinda leaning towards the biohazard shirt, just cause it reminds her of my farts.
Take a look at all the other cool things at Murphy's web store.
ALSO, I won this super cool award from my good little friend Happy:
Thank you Happy!!!Cute!
Here's proof:
And here's a picture of me blowing a kiss to Ruby:
Friday, February 15, 2008
It must be love!!
Even Mom & Dad got some pressies! Mom loves all things BT, so this was the perfect gift for her:
But as usual I don't let her fowl mouth bother me - as you can see below:
Mom said I had to wait till tomorrow, but man I sure did want it:
Mom said we had to wait and have it as our bedtime snackie, but man, I wanted a piece now:
And I have wanted one of these things for AGES:
Even the cat got something! Ruby must be an ANGEL to send a present to an old kitty:
Hope every body had a great Valentine's Day!!!