I got an award!!! My good buds over at Bin Raiders of the lost Bark gave me this best friends award! Thank you Beans & Chips!!
I'd like to pass it on to ALL my great friends at DWB! You guys rock!
Anyhoo, I thought I'd post today about a typical day in the life of....ME! Here's how it goes:
6:00-6:05 - Woof down breakfast
6:05-7:30 - Tease Tia Lilly and/or Juana bird while mom gets ready for work
Maybe do a little blogging...
7:45 Get goodbye treats from mom- usually a hollow bone with a treat stuck in it or a Kong treat with a goodie lodge in so deep it takes me a while to get it out.
8:05-10:00 AB (after breakfast) nap.
10:00 - 11:03 Play with Paris and drag toys out all over the floor
11:04 - 12 Listen to N.P.R. and/or my CD's and/or do yoga
12 - 12:55 - YEAH! Mom's home for lunch!! If the weather's good we may go outside and kick the ball around or blow bubbles.
12:56- Receive one of these treats and try not to let Paris steal it from me:
1:00 - Bark at cat, or try to annoy her in some way
1:25- Smackdown on Paris Rain
2:00 Check out what Lilly's doing. Usually doesn't take long - she's either sawing logs or in Lala land
2:15 - 3:20 Nap and/or meditation and/or read the newspaper:
3:21-3:30 Bark at kids outside ( Note mini-blind damage):
3:31 - 4:00 Have a bird food snackie
4 - 5 Watch Headline News and then cartoons
5:05 - Mom's home! Give sugars, but NO CUDDLING!
5:30 - Eat breakfast again and then go outside and do bidness
5:40 -Help mom cook and hope some food falls on the floor
6:15 - 6:30 Beg for her and daddy's dinner
6:30 - 7:00 Quite time while Mommy watches Entertainment Tonight, and/or I blog
7 -8 Play outside if the weathers okay or go for a walkie
8 - 9 or 10:00 Run around the living room acting like I'm totally hyper while mom tries to watch TV. She may throw a ball for me or we may play RLB:
9:30 - 10:30ish Review web cam activity with mom (this can be the worst part of my day)
10:30 - 6AM Sleep like an angel (May include snoring and tooting) and dream of my Valentine.....