Thanks to all my buddies out there who have e-mailed mom asking where the heck we've been (and if we're okay)!!
Everything's good, mom is just taking a break from bloggin right now.
We hope everyone is having a great Holiday Season!!!
Mack, Paris and Tia Lilly
Monday, December 12, 2011
Sunday, October 16, 2011
An Only Child .....For a Day
Hola! Tia Lilly here. I have to tell you about what a wonderful fantastic day yesterday was. Mack and Paris went to the spa and I had my mom to myself for the whole day! (Well till 2 PM anyway).
It was totally awesome! First up Mom let me help her with her lunch:

Mom and I took a nap after lunch, then after that I protected her from the evil people who came to clean the A/C.
2 O'clock came pretty fast. But just making fun of Paris' new haircut made it all better!

But Mack didn't change much....

PS: Feliz Cumpleanos Mamma!
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
I Need Your Opinion
.....about a very important subject matter. My hair. Do you think I should keep it long and flowing and sexy and gorgeous like this? Mom is threatening to take me to the groomers and I just don't see the point. So what do you think?

PS: My sources tell me Tia Lilly is "working" on another "totally make-believe" story. I'm counting the seconds (not).
Cocker kisses!!
Paris Rain
Sunday, September 25, 2011
Bed Time Stories With Tia Lilly

Good evening my sleepy time amigos! Tia Lilly here. I hope you enjoy tonight's story.
Our characters tonight are a set of sibling ne’r do wells who were spoiled rotten by their momma, while their beautiful senior citizen aunt (who took care of them wholly) was left to fend for herself.
Our tail starts off with the evil Max, a slow witted boy who was handed everything in life on a silver platter. He and his ditzy sister Maris entered a contest where the participants guessed how many Milky Bones were in a hoooge jar. The winner got to take the jar of MB’s home. Well, fat boy, I mean Max was so over fed he couldn’t waddle himself down to the local petstore to count the bones! So he got his ex-convict sister Maris to go down to the place and steal the jar so she could bring it back home and they could take as long as they wanted to count the bones. They promised each other they would return the Milky Bone jar just as soon as they were confident they had that magic number. Well, their clever aunty, Tia Rosalita, overheard them and called the police just as fast as her itty bitty feet could take her to the phone. The cops came to their house and gave them a good talking to. Blockhead boy and Airhead girl both starting crying and ran to their momma and the beautiful aunty had a great big old laugh!! Ha ha ha ha!!
So children, the moral of the story is : when you are planning a crime, ALWAYS do it in secrecy. Sleep good ninos!!!

Thursday, September 22, 2011
It's All About Me
....this post is anyway!!
Here's a couple of videos mom took when she came home from work this afternoon. Please forgive the mess. She's a very messy person.
The first one is mom trying to give me sugars. I'm like lady don't you know I only let the ladies kiss me? Geesh....
Secondly here's me trying to catch those pesky RLB's (Red Light Bugs):
Have a great night!
Here's a couple of videos mom took when she came home from work this afternoon. Please forgive the mess. She's a very messy person.
The first one is mom trying to give me sugars. I'm like lady don't you know I only let the ladies kiss me? Geesh....
Secondly here's me trying to catch those pesky RLB's (Red Light Bugs):
Have a great night!
Monday, September 19, 2011
Did you Forget About Us??
I sure hope not!!! Mom has just been so "busy" with her hummingbirds and cardinals and nonsense like that. She is really getting very lax about my blog. NOT GOOD! So please forgive me if we have been MIA, it is all mom's fault. Anyhoo, things are about the same here. I went to my eye specialist last week and he said my eye was looking real good, and I don't have to go back for another six months! Woot! Oh yeah, I really have to APOLOGIZE for the mishap at the Boston Butt club last week. I had NO idea Lilly would show up with some Mexican fireworks which are completely BANNED during our awful drought! I promise I will reimburse all bail monies!! Geesh Lilly!
Speaking of the devil, mom took some videos of Miss Thing #1. We want to ask you: Is this anyway a dignified 19 year old acts????
And Thing #2?? We all know she is not an adorable cuddle bunny, but a closet Rage Monkey!
Don't worry - pics of me coming up soon!!!
Speaking of the devil, mom took some videos of Miss Thing #1. We want to ask you: Is this anyway a dignified 19 year old acts????
And Thing #2?? We all know she is not an adorable cuddle bunny, but a closet Rage Monkey!
Don't worry - pics of me coming up soon!!!
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
First off a great big huge THANK YOU is in order to everybody that pawticipated in my comment-a-thon. You are awesome!
And secondly, ladies, please there is enough of the Mackman to go around. Flattery will get you nowhere - but I do hope you'll keep trying!
And thirdly a special shout out goes to my special fraulein -- you know who you are!

Also, I would like to keep you abreast of all the upcoming excitement happening in the near future over at Mack's Mess.
It's gonna be a whopper of a Fall (granted we don't get any hurrycanes).
Next Sunday night I will be hosting the first Boston Butt club. We will discuss the joys of being a BT and also the downside to being so precious. We will have a fashion show for the ladies, hosted by Kitty, and for the guys we will have a raffle for a weather resistant polyurethane fire hydrant.
You do NOT have to be a BT to attend! (But everyone must sign a waiver that releases me from all damages caused by any BT zoomies that may occur)
Then, in a couple of weeks Lilly will be performing at the Tropicana Supper Club.

In October Lilly's brother-in-law Victor (below) will be visiting. Join us as we celebrate their happy reunion - they haven't seen each other in 107 years!

And lastly, Paris Rain will be opening up a charm school/fish restaurant. (If the bank says yes). Send your unruly teenager to Paris Rain and she will come home a southern belle and wonderful fry cook.
So stay tuned!
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